
I'm about to head to the Portland airport now...Seattle next. Today only contains one event, no radio bookings: Thursday, September 14 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Elliott Bay Books 101 South Main Street Seattle, WA 98104 Last night at the Powell's Technical Books store was a great event. I think they were a bit overwhelmed by the crowd, not used to that kind of thing. I don't know how many were there--well over fifty, certainly, but probably less than a hundred. I gave one of my most dynamic talks yet, largely due to the fact that I didn't have a podium to hide behind, which is something I ought to keep…
I've just found an online interview that I did with the Portland-based bookstore Powell's, where I'll also be appearing tonight. For some reason I hadn't tracked this down before now. You can read it here. Excerpt: Have you ever taken the Geek Test? How did you rate? I'm not sure what the Geek Test is so probably not. But if it's an accurate test I ought to rate fairly highly. I just noticed that Powell's also made the paperback edition of my book a Powells.com staff pick, which I really appreciate. I'm looking forward to checking out the scene tonight at Powell's Technical Books store.....
Karl J. Mogel was there last night at Booksmith in Haight-Ashbury, and he's got a long rundown on the talk, plus lotsa pictures like the one above. Check it out. Meanwhile, Brian from Backseat Driving was there the night before out in Mountain View, and also has some reactions. FYI Brian: I wasn't saying we shouldn't oppose Richard Pombo, just that he might not be the most vulnerable enemy of science to target in the upcoming elections--and that we ought to focus on races where a difference can really be made. Of course, if I'm wrong, and if Pombo really is vulnerable, then I take it back.…
I'll be on this show from 8:30 to 9:00 am PT, or 11:30 to 12 pm ET today. I realize that's not a lot of notice. But you should be able to figure out how to listen in from here....
I've just gotten some of the pictures from my Thursday talk in La Jolla at the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals conference. They look great, thanks to Holly Connor for taking them. Here they are: That's me using some audiovisual effects during my talk. If you want to know what it is that I'm actually doing, come out and hear me speak! Meanwhile, that's me laughing at what is probably one of my own jokes.... After the talk, I received the ARHP "Preserving Core Values in Science" award from president & CEO Wayne Shields. Mimi Zieman, an M.D. who chaired the session…
I've got a busy day tomorrow in the Bay Area. So busy, unfortunately, that I probably won't have any time to track Hurricane Flo, which could be our most damaging storm of the year. I also doubt I'll be watching the perhaps-soon-to-be Tropical Storm Gordon, or keeping an eye on ShanShan in the Pacific. Instead, I'll be shouting my barbaric "war on science" yawp from the rooftops. First, I'll be appearing at 10 AM PST, for an hour, on the Ronn Owens Show on KGO-AM 810. I believe this is the top rated talk show in the Bay area, and I'm honored to have been invited back on the air. You should be…
My ScienceBlogging brothers and sisters have been checking out The Republican War on Science in paperback, and I appreciate recent reactions from the following (in no particular order): Uncertain Principles, Respectful Insolence, Thoughts from Kansas, Afarensis, Dispatches from the Culture Wars, Discovering Biology in a Digital World, Mike the Mad Biologist, the Scientific Activist, Dr. Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge, and Thoughts from Kansas (again!). Thanks to you all. A few excerpted comments below (sorry I couldn't quote everybody!): Respectful Insolence: "...one of the things that…
Having done a lot of traveling and speaking, I've come to know very well that there are better and worse days in terms of how well a talk comes off, how many of the things-that-inevitably-go-wrong actually go really wrong, and so forth. By these lights, yesterday was a near perfect day and a really great start to the book tour. The speech at the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals conference, where I received the annual "Preserving Core Values in Science" award (the last awardee was FDA whistleblower Susan Wood), was attended by hundreds and extremely well received. It was the…
Well, here's the first dispatch from the road....This morning I will be on San Diego's progressive talk radio, KLSD 1360 am, at around 11 am ET, 8 am PT. You should be able to listen live here. The station website is here. This afternoon, as previously mentioned, I'll be giving a talk on the occasion of my receipt of the "Preserving Core Values in Science" award from the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals. Then at 7:30 pm PT, I'll be doing my first paperback tour talk at Warwick's here in La Jolla. I am trying out a new talk for this occasion...we'll see how it goes. And then,…
I just noticed that someone, at some point, put a bio of me up on Wikipedia. I had nothing to do with this. The information presented, and not presented, is interesting, to say the least. You can check it out here. And feel free to add or subtract; I myself feel odd messing with it, but I don't particularly like how it now reads, either.
Again, tonight at 11 ET, 8 PT, I will be appearing for an hour on the Karel Show, which airs on ABC Radio, KGO AM 810 out of San Francisco. You should be able to listen live here, or via this website. Hope many of you can tune in....
I will be on a great program, the Karel Show, for an hour starting at 8 pm Pacific, 11 pm Eastern. This show is on ABC Radio, KGO AM 810 out of San Francisco. You should be able to listen live here, or via this website. This will be one of many upcoming interviews as I go into book promotional mode, so, expect more of these updates soon. But this is a bigger show than most. So, I hope you'll listen in.
A lot of folks have asked me to come speak in this area for quite a long time. And now, it's finally happened. We've just added these bookstore events: Saturday, October 28 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Quail Ridge Books 3522 Wade Ave. Raleigh, NC 27607 Sunday, October 29 4:00 PM-5:30 PM Regulator Bookshop 720 Ninth Street Durham, NC 27705 I'm psyched....please spread the word if this is in your area. I know that's true of a number of our science blogging brethren....
I've just put up a link on the left to the GoogleVideo version of my UCSD-TV interview with Naomi Oreskes, which I think is one of my best interviews. You can watch it here. This is the beginning of my quest to create some sort of YouTube or other archive of videos of some of my appearances. If anyone has the requisite technical knowledge and would like to help me out with this, please send an email.
This post is just to thank everyone who helped me prepare to debate tonight with your comments....you can listen here. I actually am feeling a little rusty, I haven't done much public speaking or radio in a while. I'm not as sharp as I once was because I'm out of practice, but this should be a great way to dive back in. At the end, please post any comments or feedback here, and thanks again!
Word is starting to get around about the paperback. If you didn't see them yet, DarkSyde over at Daily Kos did something last week; and now, Big Head Rob (dynamo of the D.C. social blogging scene) has done an interview with yours truly that, although pegged to the book release, covers a somewhat, er, wider range. A typical excerpt: Better role model: GI Joe? Barbie? I hate to be a geek here, but GI Joe wasn't really a character. I guess I'll take Barbie. I will post more of these as they come along....
Tudo bem? Muito obrigado. Those are about the only things I learned to say while in Sao Paulo (plus a few things that I can't mention here). The wedding ceremony was beautiful, and I'm the type that generally doesn't care much for Catholic rituals. As for Brazilians, after dining at a churrascuria I think it's safe to say that Americans aren't the only ones with a super-sizing problem. (And yes, I also drank plenty of cachasa. Now it's seriously time to get back to work.) The weirdest thing of course is that while I was in Brazil, the news about the foiled British terror plot came out. I…
Today I head up to New York, where I'll be doing this event tomorrow. Then, tomorrow night, my brother and I are flying down to Brazil to attend his wedding. This will be my first ever trip to the Southern Hemisphere; and yeah, I know the water in the toilet or sink doesn't really rotate clockwise down there because of the earth's rotation--even though the winds of hurricanes certainly do. But I digress. The main point for this blog is that I have no idea what kind of web access I may have in Brazil, so I may not be able to post anything here before around August 14 or so....
Well I've just returned from the UK, and am currently writing from a coffee shop in Queens. I'll head back to D.C. this afternoon or tonight. The flight was easy, no hassle; the only disappointment was that although we flew very close to Greenland, if not over it, there were too many clouds for me to see any of the ice. Despite the fact that I managed to visit London right in the middle of a heat wave, I had a wonderful time. In particular, let me commend the stylish Hempel Hotel just north of Hyde Park and near Notting Hill. Every room is different. The hotel also has one of the only private…
While in Albany, I sat down with Greg Dahlman of this radio station to talk about global warming and media coverage. I sound reasonably lucid (although I could have done much better), so I thought I'd provide a link for you. Listen here, starting at minute 7:45 or thereabouts and continuing through minute 15:00....