By Popular Demand: Raleigh-Durham Added to Tour

A lot of folks have asked me to come speak in this area for quite a long time. And now, it's finally happened. We've just added these bookstore events:

Saturday, October 28

7:00 PM-8:30 PM

Quail Ridge Books

3522 Wade Ave.

Raleigh, NC 27607

Sunday, October 29
4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Regulator Bookshop
720 Ninth Street
Durham, NC 27705

I'm psyched....please spread the word if this is in your area. I know that's true of a number of our science blogging brethren....


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I heard it through the grapevine about a week ago. If you want me to do anything, e.g., advertise, organize, etc., let me know!

Indeed, we are equally psyched as well; lots and lots of people in the Triangle are suffering from the republican war on science so I'm certain you'll have a good turnout.

With these being on the weekend, I'd hope that we might be able to draw some folks from Greensboro and Winston-Salem, not to mention Charlotte and the Asheville area.

We'll be keepin' the light on for ya, Chris.

Get out! I used to work at Quail Ridge Books almost 10 years ago and met all kinds of cool authors, and was lamenting the other day how lately they've had no author appearances I was interested in. Very cool--from what I remember of the clientele as well as employees and owners, you'll have a very warm reception. Most likely I'll be there, barring some unforeseen Halloween blowout.

Any chance you'll come back to the Syracuse area? I missed you at SUNY-EFS.

Thanks for the comments everyone....

Coturnix, would be great if you could help get the word out in the area. Don't know that we need anything more "organizational"....

I'm very psyched to be coming to this area. To hardindr: I'm sure I'll be back to Syracuse someday, but it probably won't be in 2006 I'm afraid....

I'm a long time listener, first time caller... What, no Utah? You know, the reddest state in the nation? Actually, it's not like that in Salt Lake City proper, we have an audience that would be very receptive (like myself!). I would love to see you make the trip out here sometime, even if not on this book tour.

By Patrick Orlob (not verified) on 31 Aug 2006 #permalink

Let me answer these latest questions in order....

Patrick: I'd be happy to come to Utah, but I can't add it on to any current trips. So I'd need a formal invitation from somebody, or to be going to Utah for some other reason. At least currently, I don't have such a reason.

Reed: I'm sure we can do something. Let's talk about it further as we get closer. But essentially, the answer is yes....