tags: Bonerol, humor, comedy, satire, streaming video
Erectile dysfunction is not just limited to humans. This amusing streaming video is a commercial for a new drug meant to solve doggie erectile dysfunction. Of course, if your dog ends up humping your leg for more than four hours at one go, it's time to take him to the vet -- watch it now while your boss is not looking! [0:45].
Fortune has announced the year's 101 Dumbest Moments in Business, including Prozac for dogs.
"Thank God. We've been so worried since Lucky dyed his hair jet black and started listening to the Smiths."
"Eli Lilly wins FDA approval to put Prozac into chewable, beef-flavored pills to treat separation anxiety in dogs."
It's not just dogs - cats are treated with SSRI antidepressants, along with psychotherapy. If treatment fails to calm behaviour, the next step is neutering. Imagine that veterinary approach integrating with current practices for humans. Patients who have trouble with adhering to…
These people have dogs and won the contest.
What contest?
I suggest you take a look.
Lots of new and curious gift selections are available this year for those of you who had a dog or know a dog owner. All kinds of interesting doggie presents are showing up, like doggie DNA tests and special nutrigenomic doggy diets.
And of course, nothing tops the gift of fake testicles for the dog who's never quite recovered from the big operation.
It's true, the Bleiman brothers were the first to bring up the idea of presents for pets by suggesting the kitty toilet trainer as a holiday gift. Really, though, is that kind of gift that you give to the cat? or the owner?
I just don't think…
The monthly Denver mag, 5280, made its way to Chez Pharmboy last week with a very familiar face staring back - and not because I've had a cardiac cath...yet!
For our readers in the Queen City of the Plains, read more here about your favorite cardiologist.
Via The Center for Narcolepsy at Stanford School of Medicine], this video explains:
Various narcoleptic episodes in dogs. Sporadic cases of narcolepsy in dogs is due to hypocretin peptide deficiency while the familial form is due to mutations in one of the two hypocretin receptor genes (hcrtr2). Various dogs are shown here in a clip narrated by Dr. Emmanuel Mignot.
Or for the tabloid take, watch Skeeter the Narcoleptic Poodle from Inside Edition. "Skeeter's troubles staying awake are heartbreaking..."
Visit the Sleep Foundation to learn more.
tags: dog breeds, IGF1, insulin-like growth factor 1, cancer, growth disorders
One gene mutation makes all the difference in body size between a big dog and a little dog.
Image: NY Times.
There are several things that I think are amazing about dogs, Canis familiaris. First, there is a huge discrepancy in body size between different breeds -- greater than for any other mammal, in fact, and second, these vastly different dog breeds still recognize each other as being of the same species. Yet, according to a recently published research paper, this huge differential in the body size of dogs…
My dog has an interesting (okay, disgusting!) habit of rolling in the smelliest stuff she can find when we go on walks. Everything that I've read about dogs - and this probably includes fiction - explains her behavior as "the dog is hiding her scent."
I know it seems odd that my dog rolling in smelly stuff should remind me of a post on Evolgen (Lab coats & Gloves), but he did make me wonder if he might have missed a reasons for some people dressing as they do. RPM looks at this issue from a very logical standpoint. Since he works in a lab, he thinks that the people wearing in lab coats…