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It occurs to me that I still haven't scored and posted the winners of the BoF 2008 Election Prediction Contest. Formally I still can't, because the Minnesota senate race has not legally been resolved. For all practical purposes it has, but I like to be sure about things before I go and award the…
The results of the estimation contest are in. There were 164 serious entries (I excluded the $12,000 and $1,000,000 "guesses" from the final data). The mean value guessed by commenters was $83.30, and the median was not far off, at $77.12. The standard deviation was high-- $43.10-- but as you would…
Some of us at Scienceblogs have been baking pies and posting pictures and recipes in anticipation of Pi Day (3.14) and in the hopes of winning the Pi Day contest. As I have previously mentioned, I am no pie baker. But why should that stop me from entering the contest? You're right, it shouldn't…
On the 4th of July, its been a tradition since 1918 to hold the Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Championship in Coney Island, NY. During this event, the scrawny and the portly from all over the world compete for the Mustard Belt. This belt is, of course, bestowed upon the person who can eat the most…
Funny. It does seem like there are many dog owners that have similarities to their dog. If not in appearance then in basic behavior and attitude.
You're the best geneticist I know. So does this mean you are going to have the dogs and owners send in samples for you to compare? LOL!
Dave Briggs :~)
Not me. These days my lab bench is a computer.