
When I was a senior in high school in South Carolina, I had a particularly smart and talented English teacher--the same my junior and senior years. I remember that the summer before my senior year, this teacher required all of us to memorize 50 lines of poetry over the summer, to be recited on the first day of school. Of course, we all thought this was incredibly mean. Homework over the summer! However, I have come to realize that that teacher actually gave me a great gift, as I still remember one of those poems, 'XII' by A.E. Housman. It still surprises me to this day as to *why* I chose to…
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I spent with friends in Lansing, Michigan, but on the 28th I packed up my car, kissed Pepper goodbye, and headed to Lexington, KY to hang out with Steve of OmniBrain for a few days. His sister lives there, and they were nice enough to give me a post-holiday home as I don't have any family in driving distance for me. Of course, being in Lexington, I insisted we go drink bourbon for free in the form of a distillery tour! The closest one was the Four Roses bourbon distillery in Lawrenceberg which was established in 1888. All bourbons are whiskeys, but for a…
Bush says "Congress worst in 20 years." All irony meters simultaneously explode. I just imagine Bush and Congress embroiled in a "No, you are!" "Noooo, you are!" "Nooooo you are times 10!" "You are times infinity!" - type battle of (COUGH) wits. That lasts about 10 minutes and they settle the fight with an emotional game of rock, paper, scissors, after which it is never spoken of again. Cradle of humanity finally to teach evolution! The South African president finally decided to make teaching evolution a priority in schools. "Well, someone finally told me that what this theory is, and…
I heard this morning that my grandfather died in his sleep last night. He had certainly lived a long life and had had the opportunity to travel across the country with my grandmother in their RV, for the past 15 years or so. Their pet projects involved Habitat for Humanity-type volunteering on various buildings, and they traveled from place to place looking to help where they were needed. Also about 15 years ago, my grandfather began experiencing heart problems and had a pacemaker installed. While he never tried to let it slow him down, eventually the years caught up with him and the last few…
I was just bumming aroung Wikipedia and I noticed that while PZ Myers and Pharyngula have entries, no one has yet made an entry for the entity/project that is ScienceBlogs. Someone should get on that!
Hard to know what to make of this, or even if what they propose--to prenatally interfere with sexual orientation--is possible. Mr. Mohler [president of a Baptist seminary] said in the article that scientific research "points to some level of biological causation" for homosexuality. That suggestion offended fellow conservatives, Mr. Mohler said. Proof of a biological basis would challenge the belief of many conservative Christians that homosexuality, which they view as sinful, is a matter of choice that can be overcome through prayer and counseling. But Mr. Mohler said he was criticized even…
Sparkles and bunny ears are fun. (More pictures below the fold.....) A tiny beer mug, yet still so functional. Green beer only tastes good on St. Paddys. Jello shots, anyone? My friends are weird. I'm not very good at quarters.
This weekend at UM Neuro, we're getting our first group of interviewees to the PhD program. I usually volunteer to host a "recruit" because, not only do you get to meet interesting people, you get a slew of fancy dinners all paid for by the program! Woohooo! It is a bit intensive for the host though, the trips to the airport, and taking home of leftovers, the free hockey tickets. One catch though, the department won't pay for booze. I suppose its completely reasonable, I mean federal funds and all that. And we wouldn't be wanting to make those major decisions, oh like where to go to grad…
So, I went to the Detroit Auto Show last night, which was awesome! The Auto Show is perhaps one of the coolest things about living near Detroit (and there's not many), so I usually try to go during the two weeks its open to the public. I'm a big car enthusiast, and while that interest is 99% geared towards car manufactured pre-1970, that other 1% keeps me drooling over the chromiest, vroomist rides the big D has to offer. Now, when I walk into the show, the first thing on my mind is "Ok, where's the Mustangs??" I usually make a beeline for the Ford setup, giggle and clap my hands over the…
Yes, I am a big fat nerd. I've been playing Final Fantasy 12 nearly since I woke up this morning, trying to finish all those blasted side-quests. This is pathetic! On the other hand, has anyone done any studies on endorphin release following reinforcement in gaming? You know, that little happy feeling you get when you beat a boss or level up? Think that ever-recognizable chime in Zelda when you found a secret passage! You have found a secret! After browsing this guys site, where I got the Zelda sound effect, I suddenly felt a lot better about my life.
......yet men somehow stay the same. Or worse, regress. Not sure whether to be more irked that Razib suggests that smart women aren't hot (and vice versa), that hot women don't like sci fi, or than sci fi somehow denotes intelligence. Booooooooo. :/ Paging Zuska?
I like MySpace, it brought me over from Friendster and now I use it almost exclusively. I've found old friends, new friends, and also a nasty virus which hijacked my profile last week and used my name to post a bunch of crapola ads on the Message Boards. I wondered what the heck happened, how did someone get my login info to post something under my name, and at 3am no less? Now, I have an answer and its a bit scary. (Continued under the fold!) According to PC World: The social networking site is under what one computer security analyst calls an "amazingly virulent" attack caused…
In an effort to "encourage discussion" on race-based scholarships, a student group called the Boston University College Republicans (BUCR) has instituted a controversial $250 "Caucasian Achievement and Recognition Scholarship". Applicants must be at least 25% Caucasian, have a 3.2 GPA, and submit an essay on what it means to be a Caucasian-American in today's society. BUCR argues that scholarships that are preferentially given to members of a certain race, and excluding others, are a form of bigotry no matter which way the discrimination swings. By their own definition, this scholarship is…
For those friends and relatives who read my blog and are wondering about Xmas or birthday ideas, why just cast thine eyes to my sidebar to note that I have added some links to my Amazon Wishlist, the Alex Foundation, and serotonin jewelry. Not that I expect or deserve anything other than coal, but if you're feeling generous, you now where to look.
Sometimes being a blogger really amazes me: the community which exists not only between ScienceBlogs, but throughout the blogging community is really nothing less that awesome. I just wanted to thank everyone who has endorsed me for the Student Blogging Scholarship, because it really just means a lot to me! Friends of Charles Darwin SEED Zeitgeist 11/02 Protein Wisdom Pharyngula 3QuarksDaily Majikthise Appletree Blog Abstract Nonsense MindHacks Terra Sigillata Liberal Debutante Gene Expression A Blog Around the Clock (both me and Jenny) Good Math, Bad Math Effect Measure Adventures in Ethics…
Afarensis gives me a reason to gloat, despite the Tigers embarrassing loss to the Cardinals.
In the spirit of making this seem even more like a popularity contest than it already is, I though I'd give new readers a little taste of the "Best of Retrospectacle" and a few reasons they should vote for me for the Student Blogger Scholarship. (Vote here.) I'm a PhD student studying a cure for deafness. My thesis is related to the regeneration of the sensory cells in the inner ear, which people lose as they age, in response to noise, or are born without. Deafness and hearing loss is a very serious and prevalent disability in America, and my research and education will have a significant…
Ugh, in a few short hours (8am Wednesday) I'll be under the nitrous gas at the dentist. I really hope I don't get loopier than absolutely necessary, as I *do* need to go to lab today/tomorrow. As to what I'm getting done, well just a simple teeth cleaning. Why nitrous for a silly cleaning, you may ask? Because of this. (Scroll down to see the article.) Hey, not ALL my genes could be great. :D
I'm sick. Note to self: eating Taco Bell and then drinking NOT a good idea. Somebody leave me some links to cheer me up........:(