Shelley Does The Dentist

Ugh, in a few short hours (8am Wednesday) I'll be under the nitrous gas at the dentist. I really hope I don't get loopier than absolutely necessary, as I *do* need to go to lab today/tomorrow.

As to what I'm getting done, well just a simple teeth cleaning.

Why nitrous for a silly cleaning, you may ask? Because of this. (Scroll down to see the article.)

Hey, not ALL my genes could be great. :D

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Dumb question, probably, but why do you need anesthetic at all for just a cleaning? I've never heard of that before. (But maybe all my dentists have just sucked...)

Since I haven't had a cleaning (or anything) in 5 years, my gums are REALLY sensitive, and I couldn't sit still without it.

I recently had a filling replaced with no anasthetic. I see it as a trade-off: 5 minutes of pain vs. 4 hours of drooling.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

Since I haven't had a cleaning (or anything) in 5 years

It's time for an expose on the poor health benefits received by many grad students.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

"5 minutes of pain vs. 4 hours of drooling"

I'll take the drooling, thanks!

Phew, thank god thats over. The nitrous was terrible! I felt like I was having a panic attack and couldn't breathe and yanked the thing off. Thankfully I have a very understanding and nice dentist who calmed me down. Although it was a very surreal experience listening to Kenny G all messed up.

Maybe i should just get dentures. :P

Congratulations on your recent graduation to FCD.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

how I missed this one I'll never know. They didn't give you the little blue pill?