Why Vote For Me? I'll Tell Ya....

In the spirit of making this seem even more like a popularity contest than it already is, I though I'd give new readers a little taste of the "Best of Retrospectacle" and a few reasons they should vote for me for the Student Blogger Scholarship. (Vote here.)

I'm a PhD student studying a cure for deafness. My thesis is related to the regeneration of the sensory cells in the inner ear, which people lose as they age, in response to noise, or are born without. Deafness and hearing loss is a very serious and prevalent disability in America, and my research and education will have a significant impact on a cure. I have presented my research at many conferences (recently France) and have published several papers (and poetry).

Also, I'm in a lot of debt from school and while I've been trying to secure funding from the NIH, its a long and difficult road. There are many books etc related to my studies that I've put off buying because I'm broke. My parents live in China, and the very expensive plane tickets make it where I can only visit them once a year, if that. I would love to be able to see them more often. This scholarship would also make it possible for me to attend more conferences to learn about research in my field, and to present my research to others in my field.

So, short and sweet version is, I could really use the money for my PhD thesis which is very much related to improving peoples' lives. Won't ya vote for me?

Here's a few other posts, as a taste:
The Chemistry Behind Red Bull's "Wings"
Publish or Die: Women in Neuroscience
The Buzz on Honeybee Cognition and Memory
TMS Therapy for Migraines
How Plasma TV's Work
A Report from the Society for Neuroscience Meeting, with Architect Frank Gehry
African Grey Parrots Have Object Permanence
A Roundup of the Opinions of ScienceBloggers on the Death Penalty



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Vote for Shelley!

hey Shelley,

I think that you have a great blog site and you have my vote!

By vijayachandra (not verified) on 04 Nov 2006 #permalink