ID in a nutshell

On the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, William Dembski, research professor of philosophy at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, challenged Darwin's famed theory of evolution during a seminary chapel service.

A fixation with Darwin and a sermon in a chapel. Nothing more to add.


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Set Irony Meters at Full Power:
From your link - As for Intelligent Design, "It is not creationism," Dembski said. "It's engineering."

...After the sermon in the chapel. Of a Baptist Seminary.

I wonder if he was wearing "The Blessed Sweater"?

It is almost as if 150 years haven't past since "Origin" was published - same arguments, same fears.

By Michael Fugate (not verified) on 19 Feb 2009 #permalink

I hear some luddites are trying to destroy the internet by discrediting Samuel Morse.