Arrogant ignorance

In a post that Billy D. titled Dembski’s pseudo-mathematical posturings, he manages to complain that:

The combination of ignorance and arrogance on the part of this individual is staggering.

Astoundingly, "this individual" is not meant as a reference to himself. It is a reference to an entirely accurate critique of his work by a professor of religious studies. Yes, William Dembski, M.Div. and professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is playing a game of credentials. He is, to be clear, playing a game of credentials with Scott Paeth whose PhD comes from the Princeton Theological Seminary, the same institution that granted Dembski his M.Div.

Arrogant ignorance indeed.

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Damn, now Dembski owes me for another Irony Meter!
Just shattered my last one...

As a matter of fact, I belive that Truth In Advertising Laws will soon require Dembski to change his blog title from the current Uncommon Descent to Uncommonly Dense, or "Arrogant Ignorance". Pot-Kettle-Black Bill!

Huh. Who would have thought that superior credentials in a COMPLETELY UNRELATED FIELD to the topic being dissected was relevant in any way? Kudos to those here who have had the insight to discern this otherwise utterly unobvious fact.

It is interesting to note that computer technician and trolling pseudointellectual - aka Dembski's blo's resident banner DaveScot - has linked ot this article and declared that you are producing a unique brand of stupid.

I guess all those Dembskiites, with their monumental intellects and high standards of excellence and honor and integrity, just, darn it, forgot that Dembski is not a scientist, a biologist, a geneticist, a geologist, etc., yet he pontificates on these subjects at the drop of a hat and 'critiques' the writings of those that really are those things.

The hypocrisy of those people is what is staggering. That and their stupidity as demonstrated by their inability to see their own hypocrisy.