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Finished grading today, so the Spring semester is finally over. I'm out of here for a few weeks. See you sometime in June.

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Finished grading today, so the Spring semester is finally over. I'm out of here for a few weeks. See you sometime in June.
For the first weekend for quite a number of weeks, I've gotten to be at home. The other home, yes, but at least one of them. So it's been a weekend of odds and sods of various flavours: We are avid NPR listeners and heard about this interesting story about fortnightly clubs, clubs that women…
May and the first week of June bring an R01 deadline and 2 weeks of travel, and I'm trying to get 2 more manuscripts out the door by the first of June. To minimize distractions, I'm closing up shop here for about 5 weeks. I'm also mulling about a new comment moderation policy; I'm tired of the…
Oh, man. I just finished my last lecture for this semester — this was a rough term, and I feel like I just barely dragged myself over the finish line. The big strain came from the fact that I revamped everything: I completely changed the content of my neurobiology course, with a new textbook, a new…