Myrmecos Blog at Two Years

Myrmecos Blog appeared online two years ago today.   While I'm obviously the guy writing most of the posts, the reason we're still on the air isn't me and my bloviating.  It is all of you guys- the readers, the guest bloggers, the commentators. Without the life provided to the site by the many participants, I'd long since have lost the incentive to keep at it.  So, a heartfelt thank you.

If I had to finger any one difference between blogging in 2007 and blogging in 2009, it is this.  In 2007 blogs had already risen to mainstream acceptability, especially in the political, commercial, and feline sectors.  But academics still lagged, unsure of the medium.  Photo blogging was of course safe ground, but research blogging?

The landscape has shifted by 2009.  I'd now say blogging is not only an acceptable outlet for scientists, but one that if done right is highly desirable.  Can there be a more reliable indicator of a writer's passion and knowledge than an active blog?

Below the jump, a few statistics on Myrmecos Blog traffic:

The growth in traffic has been roughly linear.  Some of this growth is due to an expansion of my regular reader base- I estimate I have about 200- but much of the increase tracks the linear accumulation of content.  The more posts I have online, the more search engine traffic arrives.  On an average day I receive between 500 and 1100 visitors.

Top search terms used to find Myrmecos Blog, 2007-2009:

ant 4,898
myrmecos blog 4,853
myrmecos 2,293
cow killer 1,444
spiders 1,399
rover ants 1,311
cool animals 1,173
argentine ants 1,133
palo verde beetle 938
linepithema humile 860

The ten most viewed posts, 2007-2009:

How to Identify the Argentine Ant, Linep 13,531
Ant Metamorphosis 10,170
The Canon MP-E 65mm 1-5x Macro Lens 10,054
Photo Technique: On-Camera Flash Diffusi 6,955
The World's Largest Ants... 5,462
Articles 4,973
About Alex Wild 4,611
Rover Ants (Brachymyrmex patagonicus), a 4,507
Beware the Cow-Killer 3,625
FAQ: The Illinois Aphid Swarm 3,491

Incidentally, I'm not the only bug blog with a late November birthday.  Archetype and Beetles in the Bush are celebrating blogiversaries this week.  Is there something about a turkey-induced stupor that leads entomologists to blog?  Does the end of collecting season leave us with too much time on our hands?


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Congratulations, Alex. I didn't know we both started within days of each other, so I share honors with both you and Darwin.

I check up on a lot of blogs, but there are only a small handful that I read regularly - Myrmecos is one of them!

Congratulations for another excellent year Alex, and thank you for providing a comfortable place for people to discuss science, to talk about photography, to share one's feelings, and to just hang out from time to time.

Alex, for Dad and me the myrmecos blog is simply a continuation of your "holding forth" on your interesting ideas, something you have done since childhood, standing by the fireplace or sitting at the kitchen table, telling anyone who happened to be in the vicinity what's on your mind. We love reading about your take on the passing scene, entomological and otherwise, not to mention seeing the responses from your always engaging readership. Keep up the good work! XXXMom

Thanks Ted- yeah, that was a surprise to me to see that I'd been blogging about as long as you have- I didn't discover your blog until 6 or so months later! I'm certainly a regular reader now.

Likewise, Roberto. Your insightful contributions are always a welcome contribution here.

Alex, you and Roberto Keller have the two best blogs on the internet (according to me!). Both are very interesting and beautifully illustrated and, most important of all for me, are mostly about ants. Together with the Ant Farm Message Board, these two blogs are very good guids about ants on the internet. And your photographs, together with those of Antweb, are the best ant-pictures you can find! So, keep up the good work as long as you can! Congratulations and up for another 50 or so.....

By Marc "Teleutot… (not verified) on 28 Nov 2009 #permalink

Been reading your blog for almost a year now Alex, so would like to say (once again!), thanks for putting the effort in. Great photo's, and thought provoking content - well done!

By Pete Yeeles (not verified) on 28 Nov 2009 #permalink

Yes Alex you have quite few readers Down Under Your blog is the only way we can follow what happening in the Wild household plus it very enjoyable reading.

By Jack Jumper (not verified) on 29 Nov 2009 #permalink