
Wow. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. In fact, it flies so fast that I don't even notice when a major anniversary (or, if you will, blogiversary). Remember how I've been mentioning that I can't believe it's been almost ten years since I started doing this? I've been droppoing these little remarks here and there over the last few months not out of any sort of plan, but rather because I really couldn't believe that I had been at this almost ten years. In fact, I couldn't believe it so much that I actually missed my tenth blogiversary. No, seriously. I really did. It was…
As I mentioned yesterday, Orac is currently away at an undisclosed location that is someplace warm. He is there, taking a rare pre-solstice break, preparing for the Mayan apocalypse that is to come on the 21st of this month. (Actually, he's recharging his Tarial cell, the better to be prepared for the utter nonsense that is to come in 2013, given that there is, at the very minimum, going to be another Stanislaw Burzynski hagiography released early in the year.) In the meantime, as I mentioned yesterday, most, if not all, of the posts this week will appear...familiar. At least, they might be…
Myrmecos Blog appeared online two years ago today.   While I'm obviously the guy writing most of the posts, the reason we're still on the air isn't me and my bloviating.  It is all of you guys- the readers, the guest bloggers, the commentators. Without the life provided to the site by the many participants, I'd long since have lost the incentive to keep at it.  So, a heartfelt thank you. If I had to finger any one difference between blogging in 2007 and blogging in 2009, it is this.  In 2007 blogs had already risen to mainstream acceptability, especially in the political, commercial, and…
Me and the cats (Chase is the white one, Charlotte is the black one), taken one year ago. It's October 18th, which means that I've been blogging about science for one year now. It all started over at, where I started writing as a way to win a scholarship (which I did), but by the time the contest was over I decided to take my writing in a somewhat new direction on Wordpress. I recently posted a somewhat longer version of the various transitional forms this blog has assumed during the past year for those interested, although I'm not quite sure that I would say today truly…