Stupid, stupid burning brightly, or how not to win an election


Ed happened to beat me to this one, which I saw on Orcinus. If you want a lesson on what not to do to get elected, here it is, courtesy of Tony Zirkle, candidate for the Republican nomination to run for a seat in his House district in northwest Indiana:

  • Don't show up at a white supremacist commemoration of Hitler's birthday.
  • Don't give a speech about white women being taken into sexual slavery in Israel to a white supremacist commemoration of Hitler's birthday while standing under a large portrait of Adolf Hitler.
  • Don't talk about sexually transmitted diseases supposedly being encouraged by pornography (or, as Zirkle likes to call it, the "porn dragon") from Jewish bookstores as "genocide" against the white race to a bunch of white power rangers wearing T shirts with portraits of Hitler on the back at a white supremacist commemoration of Hitler's birthday.

Just sayin', you know.

Don't believe any candidate could be this dumb? Here's the account from the white power rangers themselves, and here's the video (probably not work-safe due to the racist content) below the fold:

You know, come to think of it, it's probably not a good idea to be on the same speaking bill at a white supremacist commemoration of Hitler's birthday with Theo Junker, a former German SS Officer, and Bill White, Commander of the American National Socialist Workers Party, either.

Did I forget to mention that this was a white supremacist commemoration of Hitler's birthday?

Oh, well, stupid is as stupid does, but particularly hilarious is Zirkle's rationale:

"I'll speak before any group that invites me," Zirkle said Monday. "I've spoken on an African-American radio station in Atlanta."

That's right. He's equating Nazis to African-Americans. What I want to know, though, is how a neo-Nazi group managed to meet in Chicago, of all places. Where are Jake and Elwood when you need them?

Even worse is what Zirkle said when asked what he thought of the group to which he had given a speech:

When asked if he was a Nazi or sympathized with Nazis or white supremacists, Zirkle replied he didn't know enough about the group to either favor it or oppose it.

"Didn't know enough to either favor or oppose it?" My jaw dropped when I read that. These guys are Nazis after all. Believe it or not, it gets even worse:

This is just a great opportunity for me to witness," he said, referring to his message and his Christian belief.

He also told WIMS radio in Michigan City that he didn't believe the event he attended included people necessarily of the Nazi mindset, pointing out the name isn't Nazi, but Nationalist Socialist Workers Party.

Apparently Zirkle doesn't know the derivation of the word "Nazi."

Even if Zirkle really and truly didn't know, let's see what we have here in the way of clues or hints that maybe--just maybe--should have allowed Zirkle to figure out that he was speaking to a bunch of Nazis: A large painting of Adolf Hitler behind the podium. Check. All the leadership of the organization wearing swastika armbands. Check. A banner in front of the podium proclaiming, "Happy Birthday" to Hitler. Check. Large flags with swastikas on them on either side of the speakers podium. Virtually all the attendees wearing T shirts with Adolf Hitler's face on them. Check. The very fact that the meeting was convened to celebrate the 119th birthday of Adolf Hitler.


I can see why Zirkle might have been confused and thought that the event didn't include people of a Nazi mindset.

The stupid here, it does so burn. And it burns most vile.

ADDENDUM: Zirkle just posted an update to his campaign website, and he is shocked--shocked, I say!--that anyone might be offended by his speaking to Nazis about how Jewish porn is resulting in an epidemic of STDs that could be "genocide" to the white race. So outraged is he that he feels an intense need to prove that Jews are responsible for the "porn dragon" that in his speech he characterized as "white genocide":

I've been getting a flood of e-mails and phone calls, some of which include death threats, about my attempt to raise awareness of how the great porn dragon inspires Jews into pornography and prostitution and then, like the snake he is, turns the public against the Jews. Some have questioned whether there is any link to Jews and porn-prostitution. I guess I'll have to start showing the evidence:…,,2-10-1462_1681087,00.html……

Unfortunately, those Web sites are just a small fraction of evidence you can find on a Google search of combinations of "Jews" "pornography" "sex slavery" "Israel" and "prostitution." Let's save our Jewish brothers and sisters from this tyrant king porn dragon before we get to another world-wide pogrom.

I don't at all approve of death threats, and I wish anti-Nazis wouldn't make them. Violence is not the way to oppose someone like Zirkle. I'm not so sure that I can say the same about him now, as I can't help but note a truly despicable undertone to Zirkle's warning. If "we" don't save the Jews from the "porn dragon," he seems to be predicting, there will be another world-wide pogrom.

Gee, I wonder what he meant by that? It certainly sounds like a certain prediction made by a certain man nearly 70 years ago.

ADDENDUM #2: In celebration of Fuehrerstodestag, I couldn't resist taking another swipe at poor ol' Tony, after having had some fun with another truly clueless neo-Nazi type. Did you know that global warming was a plot hatched by the Jews? Now you do. Do you know that Tony was doing nothing more than bringing the love of Jesus to a bunch of "what the media calls" hatemongers? Now you do.

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pointing out the name isn't Nazi, but Nationalist Socialist Workers Party.

Cough Choke GAAAASP

911! someone call 911 I think my head is about to explo...BOOM.

I suppose he also doesn't know that "nazi" is simply the abbreviation favored by party members of "National Socialist Workers Party."

No one needs nazi votes to win an election. The only reason to go to a rally is because your a fucking nazi.

Zirkle compared his speech to other politicians appearing at Bob Jones University.

George W. Bush, then a candidate for president, was criticized eight years ago for speaking at the South Carolina school, which teaches students that Catholicism is a cult.

Well at least he compared the Nazis to Bob Jones U.

I've been looking at this for five minutes trying to think of something suitable for the occasion. I'm almost speechless.

Hitler in a Sam Brown? Looking like some demented Boyscout porn? Stretch marks air brushed?

Somehow that kid to the left.....

I don't know,

I've never had my gaydar go negative like this before.

It's weird.

Anyone ever check this group against a sex offender registry?

Ya know, I figured it was more or less obvious and/or common knowledge that "Nazi" was short for "Nazionalsozialist" (I've probably mangled the German, but it makes the important point).

Or do I overestimate the level of "common knowledge"? (Or do I only overestimate Herr Zirkle's level of knowledge and intelligence?).

He obviously thought he was addressing a group of Evolutionary Biologists.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink

The would be congressman's response to this mess is priceless. Go check out his website right now.

"I've been getting a flood of e-mails and phone calls, some of which include death threats, about my attempt to raise awareness of how the great porn dragon inspires Jews into pornography and prostitution and then, like the snake he is, turns the public against the Jews. Some have questioned whether there is any link to Jews and porn-prostitution..."

Wow. What a ^$#!ing idiot.

Look at that list of links LOL
Yet again, I parrot Craig Ferguson. Look it's written on some website it must be true! The KKK, David Duke....this guy is a kook and I bet the local Republican party is just hoping the mainstream media doesn't ask McCain if he agrees with his fellow Republican.

Hah, Zirkle is not a robot that is radio controlled from a bunker in Teheran by Norman Finkelstein, who has openly criticized Holocaust studies as a propaganda industry and been attacked unmercifully for his scholarship by the Israeli Lobby and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz

Zirkle is not an Israeli plot to make it look like an Iranian plot.

Or Orac doesn't want observers to check out the terrifying videos showing Podhoretz & Lieberman as classic Zirkle Nazi types in drag.

Exposing Zirkle as an Iranian agent masquerading as a lawyer and Annapolis grad could help set the stage to bomb Iran.

Zirkle or anything to keep folks from focusing on the daily murdering Israeli genocide in Gaza and viewing the video of Podhoretz advocating the pre-emptive murder of the Iranian people.

Or the video of Joe Lieberman exercising his lawyer skills to suck up big time to the Christian rapture nuts and their absolute support of Israeli genocide in Gaza.

As far as I know, neither Lieberman nor Podhoretz is directly controlled from Tel Aviv by radio.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink

Sounds to me as though Spezio and Zirkle could be good buddies if they ever got the chance to meet.

Look at that list of links LOL

Indeed, Jew Watch is a particularly vile site. He also references the KKK, David Duke, and an incredible number of anti-Semitic and white supremacist sites. Now you see the sort of crap I monitor.

Orac, you are a scientist and medical doctor by definition.

Your "diagnosis" and reading-in is particularly preposterous, but as you must know I am as disgusted & terrified by Zirkle as you are.

I consider Lieberman & Podhoretz as equivalent fascist nuts, and I wish you would condemn them as passionately.

Indeed, if we want to make sure that Zirkle,Lieberman, & Podhoretz types aren't listened to; we must be determined to speak the truth.

At a time when powerful & influential people like Lieberman & Podhoretz openly advocate bloodthirsty pre-emptive murder of innocent people; nothing less will do.

Joe Lieberman, Norman Podhoretz, Douglas Feith, and Tony Zirkle are fascist brothers under the skin, and you damn right well know it.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink

Violence is not the way to oppose someone like Zirkle.

I don't know about that. I seem to recall that violence accomplished a lot more in the fight against Fascism than Woody Guthrie's guitar ever did.

"Porn Dragon" would make a great band name...

I suppose this is the least of these douchebags' offenses, but look where they've placed Old Glory. To the speaker's left.

WRONG, wrong wrong wrong, baaaaaaaad bad bad!

ORAC! This is your fault! An entire hemisphere of my brain apoptosed after reading this!

BTW, noticed how one of the links the candidate provided as "evidence" comes from Some "impartial" evidence for sure...

If we want evidence of fascism, we don't have to look at some petty lawyer/politician in Indiana, look for KKK agents under the bed, or white supremicists in Podunk.
All we need to do is observe the daily murder and destruction in Iraq and Palestine by the most well-educated lying politicos and forked tongue framing sophisticates that western civilzation has produced.

Keeping people from the daily gruesome evidence of accomplished fascism-in-action and its horrific consequences is precisely what the murdering fascist bastards want so that they can carry on with the bloodshed.

I can't imagine that you would want to have anything to do with it by suggesting that Zirkle is worth our brain cells - and not Iraq & Palestine where there is plenty of bloodshed on the hands of fascist murderers with real names.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink


Orac, and anyone else, I need help.....I want to respond to someone who believes that autism is a "disease".........I don't believe that at all. Are there medical blogs/entries/articles that offer "proof" (for lack of a better term) that autism is not a true disease, like HIV or syphillis or other things like that?

thanks.........I wouldn't know where to start looking.

The Integral

Orac advises; "Violence is not the way to oppose someone like Zirkle."

Okay, Dottore orac.

Is violence the way to oppose Ahmadinejad?

Why are you not alarmed when Podhoretz laughs and screams for the murder of Iranians using the most preposterous lies as justification?

Do you consider the Israeli technique of imprisoning two million Palestinians in the Gaza Concentration Camp and starving and systematically murdering them with modern weapons - as violence?

I must be grossly out of line for focusing on these real and accomplished murders as well as more cries for more murder because you accuse ME of being in bed with Zirkle.

As you wrote above:
"Sounds to me as though Spezio and Zirkle could be good buddies if they ever got the chance to meet."

If anybody is in bed with Zirkle, you may want to check your own bed, dottore orac.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink

Integral, from

Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills. Both children and adults with autism typically show difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities.

I don't know about that. I seem to recall that violence accomplished a lot more in the fight against Fascism than Woody Guthrie's guitar ever did.

Apples and oranges.

Zirkle does not have control of a large army that can threaten the free world. He's just a candidate running for the Republican nomination for Congress in a small district in northwest Indiana. He's not a threat to the free world. He's just a small-time Nazi sympathizer. In his case and in cases like his, violence is generally not the way.

Wait, Zirkle and I are fellow alums (Georgetown)? And he's coming here this weekend? Holy shit, I am not letting this nut use the school in his ads. Passing this on to the DC Hoya community now...

I mean, fuck.

PalMD- "no one needs Nazi votes to win an election"... dur... I hate to say it, but have you *been* to Indiana?


By the way, signore Spezio:

Is violence the way to make you take your medication?

Not that you make some valid points versus Israel, but for the love of Jeebus, turn down the rhetoric down, will ya? You sound excruciatingly screechy.

Are there medical blogs/entries/articles that offer "proof" (for lack of a better term) that autism is not a true disease, like HIV or syphillis or other things like that?

I once wrote a post analyzing the issue. It's really not something there is a right answer for based on what is known. It's probably more of a political question at the moment.

Yessir orac, I agree wholeheartedly with your analysis of Zirkle
"He's not a threat to the free world. He's just a small-time Nazi sympathizer."

So let's discuss Norman Podhoretz who is proven himself to be a real threat to the free world and objective truth by advocating pre-emptive war against Iraq and getting his pre-emptive war to this day, lying through his teeth about Iraq's connection to 9-11, lying through his teeth about Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction, and now demanding that the US bomb Iran without a shred of evidence for his murderous demands for more murder against the innocent population of an innocent Iran.

This dangerous madman deserves our attention.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink

Interesting that he cites, the always-unsourced website that has not even anything to do with Al Jazeera (which is at

Commander of the American National Socialist Workers Party

Why "Commander" and not "Leader"? Someone here doesn't know German, methinks. (Why am I not surprised...)

"Nazionalsozialist" (I've probably mangled the German, but it makes the important point).

Well, it is spelled with t, but -ti- in -tion is pronounced [tsi], and the normal way to write [ts] in German is z; that's where the short form comes from.

(It also once was the nickname for Ignaz, a name that has now died out like Adolf did, even though it's completely harmless by itself.)

I suppose this is the least of these douchebags' offenses, but look where they've placed Old Glory. To the speaker's left.

WRONG, wrong wrong wrong, baaaaaaaad bad bad!

I bet it's deliberate. Look which flag is to the speaker's right.

I can't imagine that you would want to have anything to do with it by suggesting that Zirkle is worth our brain cells - and not Iraq & Palestine where there is plenty of bloodshed on the hands of fascist murderers with real names.

Shorter gerald: We must only talk about a single issue 24/7!!!eleventyone!!!

0.6 Tc... oh, sorry, wrong blog.

By David MarjanoviÄ (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink

So let's discuss Norman Podhoretz who is proven himself to be a real threat to the free world

If he has all this power, why have I never heard about him?

(Dance, trollboy! Dance!)

By David MarjanoviÄ (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink

Mea culpa.

Guilty of being terrorized by murder.

Murder and calls for more murder against innocent people is bummer uno, StuV.

I think I am "just too concerned or in denial" about the increasing probability that millions of beautiful playing Iranian children along with their mothers and fathers, hiers & descendants of Omar Khayam, will be vaporized for Israel.

Iranians are such intelligent, kind, & as beautiful a people as star stuff has produced.

Iraqis used to be beautiful too until we destroyed their entire country, so Iran's destruction wouldn't be anything new.

Millions of those little bright-eyed Muslim tykes aren't even old enough to know what is planned for them by humanistic and legal scholars like Podhoretz and Lieberman.

It is Palestine & Gaza but on a grander scale, and then some.

Then there is the coming rapture.

Or maybe the children of Israel will inherit the promised land first and then there will be the rapture.

Please don't be offended with such "screechy" concerns.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink

First, it was NASDAP. translated from the German (and re-arranged to make sense in English) the
acronym NASDAP means National Socialist Workers Party of Germany.
Second, Indiana has a long history with both the American Nazi Party and with the KKK. Go read a bit of history.

Combine ignorance with hate-mongering and you get a big hunk'o burnin' stupid. Chemically, I'd rate this stupid as around -10 on the Ph scale.

David M, So sorry that you missed Norman and his influence in the vicious murdering Merican attack on Iraq because he is one famous and powerful fellow.

He was granted a personal audience with Pres. Bush recently in order that Norman present his murderous plans for Iran - its in the video.

Norman says that he told Pres. Bush that he must attack Iran, and our President, "didn't say no."

Click here and you will learn plenty about Norman Podhoretz and his awards as the defender of Zionism.

Murder is a big issue for old Norman alright, but it's not for everybody.

Norman giggles about murdering the Iranians in the video.

What a guy.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink

My first thought upon reading the words "would be congressman" was that his party would have to be on crack to run him as a candidate, but a little digging revealed that he's only ever run in a primary- not as a candidate for the general election.

It's Indiana's 2nd district, in case anyone was wondering- the wikipedia summary of the 2006 primary is quite entertaining. (

I'm a bit disturbed to find that he won a full 30% of the primary vote at the time, but the good news is that he's not a candidate per se- my guess is that he simply has money to burn, and knows that running for office is a way to garner attention.

Gerald: Brevity is a virtue when posting on the interwebs. As is not repeating yourself. Just my 2c.

That has got to be the saddest birthday party I've ever seen. For people idolizing Hitler they sure made a crappy job with the decorations.

All those swastikas - someone call Ben Stein, they are stealing the "plot" of Expelled and putting it onto the Interwebs for free*. I'm assuming the picture of Darwin was too far stage right to be picked up by the camera.

* Ben sez: Copyright theft is officially a bad thing kids(unless you are ripping off Yoko Ono)

What the Voice of the People is saying is "look at that frightful ass Zirkle, swanking around with a load of phony SA men. Did you ever in all your puff see such a perfect perisher?"

By Ktesibios (not verified) on 25 Apr 2008 #permalink

I see he was class president at the Naval Academy in '92. Wonder if they'll be featuring him in the alumni newsletter anytime soon...

Re Gerald Spezio

Antisemitic fucktard Spezio of course ignores the homicide bombers who blow up pizza parlors in Tel Aviv and the good folks who fire qassems across the fence into Sderot. Of course to Nazi bastards like Spezio, that's perfectly fine.

The problem with the Gaza Strip is that the Government of Israel is far to lenient with the terrorists therein. They would be well advised to take a page out of the Hafaz Assad playbook and impose Hama Rules on the Gaza Strip. The late dictator of Syrias' actions in Hama, where he surrounded the town with several hundred artillery pieces and subjected it to a 2 day bombardment that killed 20,000 people was certainly effective in shutting down the terrorist infrastructure therein.

So this guy's excuse is that he thought these Nazis were actually socialists? That's not something I see going over well with the rest of the GOP.

Clearly this guy is a combination of generous amounts of both racist and stupid. It looks like Indiana Jones is about to burst in and start punching people.

Not that this will exactly come a shock to anyone, but on his campaign website (right at the bottom), Zirkle approvingly quotes the Protocols of the Elders of Zion:

"In countries known as progressive and enlightened we have created a senseless, filthy, abominable literature. For some time after our entrance to power we shall continue to encourage its existence..." Unnamed Protocal 14

Much more insanity where that came from, such as the true cause of the Dark Ages ...

Conversely, Augustine of Hippo declared that prostitution was a "necessary evil" around 400 A.D., and the barbarians conquered Rome and the dark ages ensued. Aquinas c. 1225-1274 A.D. opposed it but proposed limiting legislation against it, and the dark ages continued.

1: It was originally NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - National Socialist German Workers Party)
2: Nazi actually comes from the NAtionalsoZIalistische.

Not to defend the guy, but he doesn't seem to be a White Supremacist. He just seems to be absolutely lacking in common sense. The guy is probably so desperate for someone, ANYONE, to listen to his platform that he'd preach it to anyone that would have them. I do, however, honestly feel that someone with this little tact and common sense should not be a member of government.

David M: "If he has all this power, why have I never heard about him?"

Not that I agree with Gerald, but NPod was one of former GOP Presidential frontrunner Rudy Giuliani's foreign policy advisors, and a very belligerent one at that with a hardon to bomb Iran.

Definitely one of the more pernicious influences on our foreign policy, along with the Kristols and Kagans and O'Hanlon.

The scariest thing about Zirkle is that he used to be a prosecutor.

It would be interesting to look through his cases and see if his cases tended to involve non-whites.

He obviously thought he was addressing a group of Evolutionary Biologists.


No, no, no, Orac, stop distracting us with trivialities like Nazis and Racism. Your feeble tricks won't work here. Scroll a little further down his web page and you'll find the REALLY IMPORTANT STUFF:

I'm considering discussing divorce aids and my plans for a "Derrenger's for Dildos" policy to put guns in American women's hands instead of divorce aids. Presently, when a criminal is arrested for a weapons crime, the prosecutors seek orders to destroy those weapons. What a waste! Put our criminal prisoners to work modifying those guns to be smart-guns that can only be fired when the female owner is holding it so that children don't hurt themselves and so that criminals can't use them (unless they use the woman's hand). When a women turns in her stash of divorce aids, then give her a free gun to defend America when the jihadists follow us home.

See? Some of us have America's REAL interests at heart. We don't spend our time jacking off over Hitler and blond boys and child pornography and ... divorce aids ... ooh, divorce aids ... ooh ... ooh ...

LMAO...thanks Orac. I clicked on both your links, and I swear I could hear the alarms go off at FBI HQ alerting them to my presence on that idiotic website.

It's true, too many stupid people breeding. The gene pool definitely needs a little chlorine.

Some Nazis were having a march in D.C. the other day, and our local TV news referred to them first as "National Socialists" (OK), but on subsequent reference as "Socialists" rather than "Nazis". Argh!

bones: Could you be more specific - who, what, where, whom, ...

"The gene pool definitely needs a little chlorine."

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 26 Apr 2008 #permalink

NPod was one of former GOP Presidential frontrunner Rudy Giuliani's foreign policy advisors, and a very belligerent one at that with a hardon to bomb Iran.

Definitely one of the more pernicious influences on our foreign policy, along with the Kristols and Kagans and O'Hanlon.

I see, thanks.

Tony Zirkle is also a supporter of intelligent design creationism.

This has interesting implications for Expelled [link added for googlebombing purposes]....


It's true, too many stupid people breeding. The gene pool definitely needs a little chlorine.

You... picked a very bad opportunity to... say that.

By David MarjanoviÄ (not verified) on 26 Apr 2008 #permalink

Do I just have a warped sense of humor? I would find a panel discussion between Zirkle, John Hagee, "gerald spezio," and Ben Stein -- or even better, the baby Goldberg -- hilarious and wish someone would set it up. (Is it a streak of sadism that makes me love watching two nuts fight over the details of their nuttiness, like the classic picture of the asylum with 3 'Napoleons' fighting each other for rightful control of the Empire?)

If I may inject a litte science into this discussion, people like Zirkle are evidence that light travels faster than sound. First you see them and they look bright enough ... then you hear them.

I'd like to see Zirkle defend this appearance to an organization of World War II vets. (Or to their descendants, since more of the latter are still with us.) Come to think of it, we have an eightysomething relative in Indiana who survived incarceration in a Nazi POW camp. Yeah, I'm sure he'd find Zirkle an appealing candidate. Not.

But enough of this depressing stuff. What I really want to know is: Is a "divorce aid" the opposite of a "marital aid"?

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 26 Apr 2008 #permalink

bones wrote: "It's true, too many stupid people breeding. The gene pool definitely needs a little chlorine."

So you were at the party too? How was it? "gene pool" comment was aimed at the dolts who are celebrating Hitler's B-day, the morons running the website Orac linked to, and the idiot politician, Zirkle, speaking before said party.

Did that really need clarifying, Spezio?

bones, Yes.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 27 Apr 2008 #permalink

Hey, don't those nazis know that they are obligated as members of a (liberal) fascist organization to fervently support the distribution of pornography and other "multicultural" propaganda, especially in government schools and state churches. Hitler must be spinning in his grave.

This is just beautiful. You couldn't buy a more perfect mix of stupid and evil and crazy in one story, though the plot of _The Producers_ is kinda close. (And while reading this post, I had "Springtime for Hitler" running through my head.)

"Hey, it was just a bunch of guys wearing swastikas with a picture of Adolph Hitler behind them, talking about the need for strong action against the great Jewish conspiracy. How could I possibly have guessed that they'd turn out to be bad people?"

By albatross (not verified) on 27 Apr 2008 #permalink

Check out his CV:

I can't make heads or tails of it. Where exactly did he graduate from? Is he a compulsive liar? Does a 3.33 GPA really make you top 5% at the Naval Academy? Did he get booted out?

Valedictorian in high school?

And man does he like the word 'hermeneutical'.

God, my brain has been raped by his words.

By R. Pointer (not verified) on 27 Apr 2008 #permalink

As far as the gene pool needing chlorine, I saw an article the other day that spoke of teens in Fllorida believing that drinking a little (chlorine) bleach will prevent/cure AIDS.

By Blaidd Drwg (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

Wait... you mean this isn't an Onion article?

By deltaverde (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

I'm sorry but I just can't get past the photo of him on his website. It looks like a cover for a gay twink porn movie.

Loved the "Happy Birthday" sign on the front of the table. Just like the ones the Jews use!

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

Albert Einstein

By Buster Bunns (not verified) on 30 Apr 2008 #permalink

Wow, and those are some credible links on Zirkle's website! He links to David Duke, the KKK, Al-Jazeera, and Jew Watch. Fortunately, he doesn't go as far as quoting Der Fuhrer himself. What a stand-up guy!

People like that make me want to believe in the Christian version of Hell, especially as described by Dante.

As Fox News has alluded to this evening, Tony has now taken such a huge boost in the polls from his appearance that he is now expected to win the primary in the district.

Shame when the real world collides with Jew-televitz fantasies, itz.

Note to self: Never, never, never click on the link to a person's website who is spewing racism and ignorance. I feel violated.

Hey Bill,

Newsflash: You nazis morons lost in 1945, and you're a loser just like them. And it's all your fault, not the Jews, not the blacks, not anyone. You are the reason you're a failure.

Note to self: Never, never, never click on the link to a person's website who is spewing racism and ignorance. I feel violated.

Wow, no doubt. Ugh. Thankfully I am the one who monitors the Internet usage at the company. That site is definitely going on the no-no list.

Not the same at *all*. The 1930/40s version of Nazism had a large, powerful nation in its control, and won all kinds of adherents despite being, frankly, pretty obvious nonsense. It had admirers in the US and much of the rest of Europe and (in a variant form, with some small difference of opinion about the makeup of the master race) in Japan, and those weren't mostly losers. They were seriously, existentially scary, in a way that nobody is now except maybe US culture if you're a super-traditional Muslim. The old 1940s version of Nazis had a bunch of the best scientists and engineers on Earth working for them, despite having chased out a bunch of their best scientists (and presumably engineers and other professionals) for being Jewish.

The current version is a few bands of losers who are scary in a personal sense (the way psychos, gangstas, and biker gangs are), but who are mostly just good for comic relief in the grand scheme of things.

By albatross (not verified) on 01 May 2008 #permalink

One of Zirkle's links:

He actually linked to the KKK! While trying to DEFEND himself against charges of racism! His defense against racism is The KKK agrees with me!

Anti-semitism aside, this guy is just too fucking STUPID to be trusted in office!

By phantomreader42 (not verified) on 02 May 2008 #permalink

Just a quick comment.
The other candidates running for Congress In the Nutbags district don't run any political ads against Zirkle. They let him fry in his own pan.

He is'nt ivited to any debates,the press only encourages him for comedic value.

He is a joke...he is not taken seriously by any fellow Hoosiers that I have known.

Give us a break here in Indiana.

Indiana is not the origin of the KKK
Indiana is not the origin of the Nazi party.

Oh...I am a white male middle class Hoosier who,to your a die-hard Obama fan.

Maybe he's just a very open minded conservative...
Maybe they were the only one's to invite him to speak...
Maybe he really didn't know they were Nazis...

If stupid were a fuel we could use this guy as a national resource.

According to Zirkle in an article in the Kokomo Tribune, he was medically discharged from the Naval Academy for bipolar disorder. (
According to his website, he was discharged in November 1990, two months before the US invaded Iraq but he claims to be a 'Gulf War era veteran'.

I wouldn't call it icing on the cake . . . more like scum at the bottom of the toilet bowl, maybe . . .

But, did you notice? They're displaying the U.S. flag incorrectly. The U.S. flag should always be displayed to its own right. So, when behind a speaker, the flag should be to the speaker's right as she faces the audience.

In other words, they are displaying the flag in a disrespectful fashion, contrary to the U.S. Flag Code.

Damn. And here we are with no Constitutional Amendment to allow us to jail people who desecrate the flag.