It's that day once again!

Oh, glorious day!

As hard as it is to believe, it's here once again, and freedom lovers everywhere should rejoice! Yes, indeed, it's the day that everyone who detests fascism should celebrate:

Fuehrerstodestag! (Otherwise known as "Dead Hitler Day.")

Sixty-three years ago today, Adolf Hitler, Führer of the Reich, finally cornered in his rathole, his nation and glorious capital of what he thought would be a "thousand year Reich" in ruins, rather than face his enemies, decided instead to blow his brains out in his bunker as the Red Army was relentlessly advancing on him. After over 12 years in power, he had plunged the world into the largest war ever fought, resulting in the horrific deaths of millions upon millions of people, and his exterminationist anti-Semitism had resulted in the deaths of approximately 6 million Jews and millions of non-Jews in the Holocaust.

My favorite way to celebrate this great day is to make fun of particularly stupid Holocaust deniers or neo-Nazis. True, I just did it the other day when I had a good laugh at the expense of hapless Republican candidate and Nazi sympathizer Tony Zirkle, but that's not enough (although I do note approvingly that Jesus' General and Sadly, No! had some fun with Zirkle today--maybe they celebrate Fuehrerstodestag too). Here's another neo-Nazi who's so stupid that it's hard to figure out how he manages to continue to breathe. Obviously when he puts both hands on the keyboard he must have to let go of his tenuous grasp on reality to do it. Yes, anyone who can write something as mind-numbingly stupid as a blog post called Jews Created Global Warming: (Lack Of Free Speech Identical To The Jewish "Holocaust" Scam), which contains this incredible bit of hysterically unhinged bit of illogic that's stupid even by Holocaust denier standards, deserves all the contempt and mockery Orac and his readers can deliver:

According to Jews, the words of the "deniers" are so wicked, so dangerous, that they must be silenced, or better yet, criminalized.

Recently, there has been a wave of intolerance and hatred aimed at any scientist or expert studying the issue of global climate change whose findings do not agree with the leftists and Jewish supremacists.

The very term "climate change denier" is pinned on these people. Deja vu all over again, a la "Holocaust denier."

The Jews define "denier" as - A person who refuses to accept the existence, truth, or validity of something.

But as we have learned from the "Holocaust" scam, what is truth to a Jew is a lie to us.

The anti-free speech and intolerance for debate on this global warming issue is absolutely identical to the Jewish tactic used to promote their Holocaust lies.


Such is Jewish science, which basically says that if a Jew says something, by nature it is automatically true for that reason alone.

I'm telling you, folks, you just can't make stuff like this up. It's so over-the-top that ridicule and mockery are the only appropriate responses, and there's lot's more of the same in the rest of the article at the link. Heck, even creationists have a hard time reaching these depths. Although creationists can certainly plumb the same depths of scientific ignorance and willful stupidity, they lose major crank points in comparison to Holocaust deniers because no one--and I mean no one--can combine scientific ignorance and stupidity with flaming bigotry and hatred the way Holocaust deniers can. I also can't help but wonder how global climate change "skeptics" like having a neo-Nazi, white supremacist Holocaust denier tell them that they're just like he is and that it's the "Jews" who are keeping them down.

Comedy gold!

Now, folks, feel free to go out and celebrate Fuehrerstodestag yourselves! Find a neo-Nazi blog and mock something from it ruthlessly! In fact, I think I'll do it again with Tony Zirkle. I mean, just look what he's posted on his campaign website since his ill-fated speech to neo-Nazis at their celebration of Hitler's 119th birthday:

Last week, MSNBC's Keith Olberman on his Countdown show called me the world's 2nd worst person after Bill O'Reilly and ahead of John McCain. What cracks me up is that he showed the picture of me presenting the Gospel book, "The Desire of Ages" to the National Socialists. You know that America and its liberal dominated media have become morally bankrupt when you are called the second worst person in the world for trying to present Jesus to a group the media claims is filled with hate. So, let me get this straight. The liberal media believes that evangelizing Nazis is more evil than suicide bombers, child rapists, drug dealers, murders, torturers and yes even porn-pimps. Maybe those national socialists have a point that WWII was really about liberalism and communism dominating the world and that it was an assault on Christian civilization. Was the bipolar Churchhill possibly deceived? Was America? Didn't General Patton say that we should have been fighting the Russian communists instead? How many people died after WWII because of the new communist threat that Patton said we should not have tolerated. On the other hand, communism gave us Russian brides and capitalism gave us porn stars. Oh, that's tmi (too much info). Maybe asking these qustions will get me ranked #1.

Yep, Tony's trying to persuade everyone that he isn't a neo-Nazi at heart and that all he was doing was trying to bring the Word of Jesus to the Nazis. How about you? Are you convinced?

I didn't think so.

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I really really really should be writing my thesis right now but....

Here in St. Louis/Souther Illinois there was a concert for a death metal band called 'Suffocation'. A bunch of neonazis showed up, fans of the band. What they didn't know was that the drummer and guitarist are black. This pt them in quite a predicament, as you can imagine. to try to save 'face' they started yelling and throwing the 'seek help' salute which in turn got them tossed out.

One of these neonazis always wears a kilt, a white T-shirt with a bunch of writing on it and....wait for it... a very large cross, outside his shirt. These guys are so dumb its like they are their own best detractors.

Oh no! He figured out we're all part of the Great Jew Conspiracy, we need to marginalize him quickly before the sheeple wake up and realize the Elders of Zion are actually calling the shots. Thankfully he hasn't figured out about the Jew World Heating Device to flood the world of gentiles or we'll really be in trouble.

It's also my grand-daughter's birthday. I guess I'd better rephrase this as "the day we finally knew that World War II was really almost over."

And my step-daughter's birthday is a day of memmorials in Canada for 14 female engineering students killed by a deranged misogynist.

I'm not planning to look up what my birthday commemmorates.

My birthday was two days ago - the same day Saddam Hussein would've commemorated if he were still alive.

By Mithrandir (not verified) on 30 Apr 2008 #permalink

sweet vishnu on a nucular powered pogo stick. how could they not know half of suffocation of black? crossing that color barrier was a HUGE deal in the early 90s? man, i hate illinois nazis.

Der Fuher ist Todt!
It was a magic word. (phrase, but I'm waxing lyrical)
People said it slowly, letting it roll off their tongue.
They savored the phrase.

Germany officially surrendered shortly thereafter.

It is remarkable to me that sixty years later people remain committed to an ideology and government that not only spectacularily failed, but earned itself a place among the worst in human history.

"It is remarkable to me that sixty years later people remain committed to an ideology and government that not only spectacularily failed, but earned itself a place among the worst in human history."

There's also the "Treason in defense of slavery" fans.

In reference to Fuehrerstodestag;

Probably the most frieghtening event in modern history. I often contemplate if we could allow such a thing to happen again?

The harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles is recognized as the initiator of the chain reaction to WWII. What will the next one be, or has it happened already?

By Uncle Dave (not verified) on 01 May 2008 #permalink

On that day, my father was on a troop ship somewhere in the North Atlantic.

"The harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles is recognized as the initiator of the chain reaction to WWII."

I don't believe this is true. Extreme reparations demanded of Germany certainly played a part in creating the economic chaos in which a person such as Hitler could rise, but like most events in human history, the "causes" of World War II were many. Extreme forms of German nationalism and racism were on the rise before World War I. The sense of humiliation many Germans felt at their defeat provided a rich environment for the growth of these ideologies. Right wing intransigence toward the Weimar Republic crippled its ability to deal with economic issues. The extreme authoritarian nature of the German army left it prey to misuse. Capitalists like Krupp and Theissen thought they could manipulate Hitler, and therefore supported him with large amounts of money.
It takes a complex interplay of circumstances to create something like the Nazi domination of Germany.

By Green Eagle (not verified) on 01 May 2008 #permalink

Orac, quoting Zirkle:

On the other hand, communism gave us Russian brides and capitalism gave us porn stars.

And that is about as close to the truth that any of that self-pitying crap in the paragraph Orac quoted gets.

It must be tough for Zirkle: asking the indulgence of monobrowed Hitler worshippers is one thing, but getting caught using the "but I was preaching to the heathens!"
card and ending up roundly chastized for being an idiot must really gall him. Too bad, so sad.

And since it is Dead Hitler Day: Good riddance to the syphilitic, paranoid, megalomaniacal, hate-filled, treacherous, antisemitic, murderous little bastard. Did I miss anything?

By Chris Krolczyk (not verified) on 01 May 2008 #permalink

"The harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles is recognized as the initiator of the chain reaction to WWII."

Green eagle wrote;

"I don't believe this is true. Extreme reparations demanded of Germany certainly played a part in creating the economic chaos in which a person such as Hitler could rise, but like most events in human history, the "causes" of World War II were many. Extreme forms of German nationalism and racism were on the rise before World War I."

Germany was subject to extreme measures layed out in the Versailles treaty. Lincoln at the end of the Civil war made an extrodinary effort to ensure that the southern states and those that backed the confederacy were not punished further after the very devastating effects on both sides of the civil war.

This was not the case in in Treaty of Versailles. Treaty points were diliberately barbed due to the anger experienced after a world war event the wiped out millions.

I certainly agree that there were many other factors, however extreme nationalism is not something that arises due to cozy relations with your neighbors. After WWI a depression and devaluation of currency ensued as well (agreed) much worse then even the US's 1930's experience.
The french were very active in inspecting and penalizing the Germans for violations to this treaty.

Basically the view is that the punishment wieghed against the Germans for initiating WWI was more then certainly a contributing factor but certainly not the single match stick that lit the whole bonfire.

After wars it is often a good idea as Abe Lincoln was aware to put the spear down and let everyone go back to a life of peace and not make the losers (even if they were the agressors) pay and pay for many years after.

Just my ten cents not intended as a history lesson.

By Uncle Dave (not verified) on 02 May 2008 #permalink

Dave, Lincoln was killed six days after the Civil War ended. He didn't have much to do with the incredibly generous olive branch that was extended to the South immediately after the Civil War. That was the work of Andrew Johnson, his vice president, who oversaw Reconstruction for a couple of years before more radical Republicans came to power in Congress.

I'm telling you, folks, you just can't make stuff like this up. It's so over-the-top that ridicule and mockery are the only appropriate responses

Problem is, they aren't possible. Poe's Law applies to quotes like this:

Such is Jewish science, which basically says that if a Jew says something, by nature it is automatically true for that reason alone.


The sense of humiliation many Germans felt at their defeat provided a rich environment for the growth of these ideologies.

Exacerbated by the fact that the reason Germany lost the war was that the country simply ran out of supplies for the army. So, the soldiers were sitting in the trenches, and one day they were simply told the war was over and lost, even though they hadn't lost a single battle for years, they had just been sitting in the trenches (and dying like everyone else). Many didn't understand that it was impossible to continue the war, and that's how the DolchstoÃlegende ("dagger-stab legend") was born: some traitor had to have stabbed the glorious and unvanquished army in the back. (Cowardishly. From behind. Unsportsmanlike, outright.) This traitor was, unsurprisingly, sought among already hated groups, like socialists and Jews. The rest is history.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 05 May 2008 #permalink


Your right, and I was wondering if and when someone was going to point this out. However, it was the plan and deliberate intent throught writings and speeches of Lincoln to carry this through and it was good intent that Johnson followed through (over much objection); so how much influence Lincoln had could be debated seeing he had been assasinated.
General Lee surrended before Lincoln was murdered by a about a week I believe.

By Uncle Dave (not verified) on 05 May 2008 #permalink