Approaching fast: The Skeptics' Circle

Time flies, and it flies really fast. Once again, that blog carnival of lucid critical thinking, the Skeptics' Circle, is almost upon us. It's scheduled to appear on Thursday, March 29 at the blog of fellow ScienceBlogger Martin at Aardvarchaelogy. Martin hosted the Circle a while back, before he joined the ScienceBlogs collective, and did a fine job. So, if you're a blogger with an interest in skepticism and critical thinking, send Martin your best work by Wednesday, and then come back here on Thursday to enjoy the fruit of his (and your) labors!

Finally, as always, if you think you have what it takes to host. If you want to follow in the footsteps of The Amazing Randi or Michael Shermer (or at least want to feel as though you are), think about signing up to host a future Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle. The schedule and archives are here, and guidelines for hosting are here. It's been most gratifying that two of my favorite skeptics, Rebecca Watson (the Skepchick) and Steve Novella, have agreed to host on May 24 and July 19, respectively. Steve is the President of the New England Skeptical Society, and Rebecca, besides running a hell of a blog, is responsible for the Skepchick and Skepdude calendars. Both appear on my favorite weekly skeptical podcast, The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, which, if you aren't already a fan, you should check out forthwith. (Hmmm. Maybe with Rebecca and Steve agreeing to host, the peer pressure will get Phil Plait to finally agree to host a Circle.)

Yes, between promising new bloggers and the return of old stalwarts who've done bang-up jobs of hosting in the past (such as The Pooflinger and Martin), coupled with a little star power, the Skeptics' Circle is poised to reach new heights, and you can be a part of it!

What are you waiting for?

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