The 73rd Meeting of the Skeptic's Circle: Click on the boxes

It's Thursday, and I can hardly believe that it's time for the Skeptics' Circle again. Time flies between these every other week exercises in critical thinking. This time around, it's Holford Watch that's hosting the 73rd Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle. However, before you can enjoy skeptical bloggy goodness submitted to the carnival, you're asked to answer a little questionnaire to verify that you're of the proper mind (or maybe the improper mind) for all the posts contained therein. (Particularly amusing is this homeopathic investigation.)

Don't forget that it won't be long before the next Skeptics' Circle comes around the pike. In fact, it will be shorter than usual, because here in the U.S. two weeks from today is Thanksgiving. (Holy crap! Already?) Consequently, the next meeting of the Skeptics' Circle will appear on Wednesday, November 21 hosted by Medjournal Watch. As always, the guidelines for submissions to the Circle are here.

Also, if you're interested in hosting a Circle yourself (and if you're a blogger who often writes about science, skepticism, and/or critical thinking, you really should host one of these puppies), check out the schedule and the guidelines for hosting, and then drop me a line. I'll get you a spot on the schedule, assuming, of course, that your blog can pass the easy (for a skeptical, science-based blog, at least) test at Le Canard Noir's infamous quackometer. We wouldn't want any woos in disguise to hijack the Circle for their own nefarious ends, would we?

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