The 44th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: Above us only sky

Yes, it's that time again! This time, the Skeptics' Circle comes to us by way of Sweden. In fact, it comes to us by way of a Swedish archeologist named Martin Rundkvist, and he's rounded up a fine collection of skeptical blogging that should serve as your antidote to the woo that so permeates the blogosphere, the Internet, and, yes, our society. So join Martin for the 44th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle. It's appeared a few hours earlier than usual, but, then, Sweden is 6 hours ahead of my particular time zone.

Next up is The Inoculated Mind, and, given his taste in podcasts, I'm expecting a great things. (Hmmm. come to think of it, maybe Karl could do the first ever Skeptics' Circle podcast.)

And, as always, if you're interested in hosting a future meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, drop me a line. The schedule and archives can be found here, and additional guidelines for hosting here.

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"(Hmmm. come to think of it, maybe Karl could do the first ever Skeptics' Circle podcast.)"

I'm listening.

It wouldn't be a podcast, as that would take setting up a feed... and for one file... but an audio version is do-able. Got any suggestions as to how I could present the Skeptic's Circle in audio form?