The 58th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: I've got a whole lot of woo for you...

It's that time again, and Geek Counterpoint has delivered the woo for you (and how!) in the 58th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle. Head on over for your fix of rational thought applied liberally to dubious claims, all expertly administered and arranged for your edification.

Next up is previous two-time host Pooflingers Anonymous. The Pooflinger himself, Matt, has done an absolutely fantastic job hosting twice before. Check out the 21st Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle and the 32nd Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle to get a taste of what he's capable of. That's why I fully expect the next Circle, scheduled for April 26, to be great. But Matt can't do it without the appropriate quality raw material; so start your skeptical blogging and be ready to submit some high quality skeptical blogging to Matt by April 25.

Finally, as usual, I'd like to point out that, if you think you have what it takes to host your very own Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, if you want to follow in the footsteps of The Amazing Randi, take a gander at the Skeptics' Circle schedule and guidelines and guidelines for hosting to see if you think you can do it, and then drop me a line at I'll do some dowsing and telepathically examine your blog, projecting my mind over the Internet, to make sure that it has the appropriate features, and then get back to you.

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