OK, skeptics, listen up! Bora's set to host the 33rd Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle over at Science and Politics on next Thursday, April 27. If you haven't already done so, this weekend is the perfect opportunity to submit your best skeptical blogging to Bora before 5 PM EDST on Wednesday, April 26. Bora has posted instructions here.
Bora's an old hand at blog carnival hosting, as well as a big afficianado of blog carnivals; so I expect that this Circle will be only of the highest quality.
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I went out for a beer last night and listened in on an interesting conversation by some people at my table who have bought into all the anti-vaccine quackery! They were talking about mercury, but instead of amalgam, they were talking about aluminum! Were they just illiterate or is there also an anti-aluminum-in-vaccines movement as well? I did not want to say anything because one of the people is a war veteran with one arm and a lot of medical problems and his wife was doing all the talking about various alternative treatments that have helped him recover.
On another note, perhaps someone may be inspired for a Skeptic's Circle post by reading this:
I've been hearing some aluminum stuff spouted by antivaxers. I don't have a clue as to what's going on with that, though, and until someone posts a blog entry or comment I'm likely to read, I'm going to just remain clueless. (I.e., I'm not going to get the latest issue of Mothering and see if there's anything there about it, and I'm not going to Google it.)
I'm not quite as good as Julia, and googled. I found this rather ignorant article:
WHY YOU SHOULD AVOID TAKING VACCINES (all caps in the original).
Orac, it's written by a MD, so maybe you should address it?
A few choice quotes regarding aluminum:
Foreign protein particles?
I don't know which part is the worse - the equation between mercury poisoning and autism, or the fact that he talks about thimerosal in MMR vaccines, which doesn't contain them.
The lack of references is in the orgininal. Regarding "Nearly all vaccines contain aluminum and mercury" - the article was written in 2003 where it certainly wasn't the case with mercury, so I am not going to take his word for it in regards to aluminum.
This person seems to have a frightening lack of knowledge on the subject he is talking about, the like not seen since Frist last opened his mouth on a medical matter.
A for those, who like me, doesn't know why aluminum is in vaccines, here is the answe from CDC
I've touched on the issue of aluminum and other vaccine contents before. Very likely, the lie will be put to the mercury militia's claims that they aren't antivaccination in a couple of years when the number of new cases of autism fails to go down. They haven't gone down yet, and it'll be pretty hard to keep blaming mercury a full five years after it was removed from childhood vaccines. Almost certainly, antivaxers will switch their attention to another ingredient in vaccines to focus on as the bogeyman, and aluminum is a prime candidate.
You can't be 48123 serious?!?