The 70th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: It's a conspiracy on the way!


Time flies.

Amazingly, another Skeptics' Circle is coming around the pike far faster than I would have expected. This time around, it will be hosted by longtime commenter (and now blogger) Factitian over at Conspiracy Factory and will take its place in the skeptical rogues' gallery of past editions on Thursday, September 27. For your edification, Factitian has posted blog-specific instructions for submitting. Read them, heed them, love them, and submit your best skeptical blogging before the deadline!

As always, if you're interested in hosting a Circle yourself (and if you're a blogger who often writes about science, skepticism, and/or critical thinking, you really should host one of these puppies), check out the schedule and the guidelines for hosting, and then drop me a line. I'll get you a spot on the schedule, assuming, of course, that your blog does nothing to make me think you're Agent Zig-Zag when it comes to straddling the worlds of woo and reality-based thinking.

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Oh, and yesterday he linked to a long article on Virodene, a supposed anti-AIDS wonderdrug that was developed in South Africa, and then got caught in SA politics. Ben's description of it: "Make time for all five parts and settle in. Then tell your friends. This is an obscene and astonishing tale."
