Friday Blog Roundup

Matt Madia at Reg Watch and Ian Hart at Integrity of Science report on the two House hearings held last week on how the new executive order will affect regulatory agencies. (See our take on the Science & Technology Committeeâs hearing here.)

In climate change blogging, Jim Hoggan at DeSmogBlog is critical of Canadaâs climate policy, but applauds a new policy statement from British Columbia; Matthew C. Nisbet at Framing Science has some advice on framing the issue; and Gavin at Real Climate invokes the popular TV show CSI to explain how paleo-climate research fits into our understanding of current changes.

Elsewhere in the blogosphere â¦

Michael Kremer and Ruth Levine at Global Healthy Policy explain why the financing commitments for pneuococcal vaccine are so important.

Andrew Leonard at How the World Works compares the intellectual property issues that Thailand and Indonesia face over AIDS drugs and avian influenza viral strains. Revere at Effect Measure also explores the Indonesian viral strain issue here and here.

Lisa Stiffler at Dateline Earth is still following the Toxic Release Inventory story, which is still unfolding.

PR Watch has the dirt on tobacco companiesâ efforts to push for regulation (really!) and cast doubt on the science behind secondhand smoke.

Cervantes at Stayin' Alive raises questions about the line between liberty and protecting children's health (and, on a related note, looks at children's neighborhood food environment).

Roy M. Poses MD at Health Care Renewal highlights the threat of Pseudoevidence-Based Medicine.

Jessica Tzerman at Gristmill has a roundup of mountaintop-removal mining news.

What else is worth a read? Leave suggestions in the comments.

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