Friday Blog Roundup

In addition to writing about the IPCC report itself, bloggers are dissecting the media and public responses to it. RealClimate wonders why the Wall Street Journalâs editorial board still has its head buried in the sand; Matthew C. Nisbet at Framing Science thought the report should have made more of a splash than it did; and David Roberts at Gristmill notes that there were some good print stories about the report, but public engagement on the issue is lacking.


Meanwhile, the US Congress is still holding hearings about political interference into the work of U.S. government scientists. Ian Hart at Integrity of Science highlights the testimony of Dr. Peter Gleick at the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation's hearing on Climate Change Research and Science Integrity; Gleick pronounced misuse of science and attacks on scientists to be pervasive and recommended several changes. Chris Mooney at The Intersection has some comments on that hearing, too, and also on the House Science and Technology Hearing on the IPCC report.


On other topics â¦

Revere at Effect Measure evaluates the CDCâs bird flu drill and pandemic response guidelines for communities.


Lisa Stiffler at Dateline Earth summarizes whatâs been going on with the changes to the Toxics Release Inventory reporting requirements â the latest news from GAO is that EPA procedures werenât followed in making the changes.


Lawrence MacDonald at Global Health Policy gives advance notice that a group of wealthy countries will announce a $1.5 billion advance market commitment to purchase vaccines to prevent pneumococcus in developing countries. [Update: Owen Barder blogs the announcement from Rome.] 


Andrea Lynch at RH Reality Check reports that emergency contraception will now be available for free in Chile to girls and women age 14 and over.


Christopher Mims at Scientific Americanâs Blog provides visual aids to help us understand the effects of 97% of Africans being unable to afford contraceptives.


Add other not-to-missed blog posts in the comments section.


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