Friday Blog Roundup

Several bloggers have been following the story of Julie MacDonald, the deputy assistant secretary who oversaw the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serviceâs endangered species program and resigned in disgrace last week, after it was revealed that sheâd been giving industry lobbyists internal agency documents. GrrlScientist at Living the Scientific Life, James Hrynyshyn at Island of Doubt, and Andrew Leonard at How the World Works have details on this and other problematic MacDonald actions. The House Natural Resources Committee held a related hearing (âEndangered Species Act Implementation: Science or Politics?â); Robert McClure at Dateline Earth and David Roberts at Gristmill have the scoop.

On the Senate side, Matt Madia at Reg Watch keeps us up-to-date on the progress of FDA legislation, and Roy M Poses MD at Health Care Renewal responds to an op-ed complaining about possible tightening of conflict-of-interest restrictions on members of FDA advisory panels.

In other news, Motherâs Day is coming up. Jill Sheffield at RH Reality Check explains why the holiday is bittersweet for those who work in the field of maternal health, and Lauren Seemeyer at Womenstake wonders, âWhat Do You Get for the Mother Who Doesnât Have Everything?â

Elsewhere in the blogosphere:

JLowe at Impact Analysis is concerned about the results of a new study on blood-lead levels and childrenâs educational performance.

Dave Munger at Cognitive Daily knows youâre supposed to lift with your legs, but wonders about the mechanics of pushing heavy loads.

Ruth Levine at Global Health Policy contrasts the way U.S. dollars and policies are shaping childrenâs health in Egypt and Iraq.

Ben at Technology, Health & Development reports on Laurie Garrettâs speech at the International Health Conference.

David at RealClimate examines the hype about using phytoplankton to absorb carbon and finds it a thin story.

At DeSmogBlog, Kevin Grandia and Richard Littlemore report that while Honda and Toyota are manufacturing fuel-efficient cars, theyâre also fighting regulations aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions.

If you're concerned about past, present, and future public health menaces, check out these recent posts from Science Blogger: Abel Pharmboy at Terra Sigillata on deadly cough syrup, Tara Smith at Aetiology on the new face of the smallpox toll, Mike the Mad Biologist on an emerging drug-resistant bacteria, and Molecule of the Day on Jake Leg.

After their writing on "framing scienceâ ignited a tremendous debate in the blogosphere, Chris Mooney and Matthew Nisbet have launched a new blog called "Speaking Science." It includes an upcoming events page, and our DC readers may be interested to know that you can hear the duo speak on May 14th (5pm at the Capitol Hilton).

 What else is worth a read? Leave a link in the comments section.


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