Gosh golly.
November 14th some good ol Evangelical kids were minding their own business, praising His name on a Friday night on Castro Street.
In front of a memorial set up for Hank Wilson-- A much loved HIV/AIDS, gay rights activist who passed away November 9th.
In the late 1970s, Mr. Wilson participated in the fight against the nascent religious right and its efforts to roll back advances in gay equality. He was instrumental in the successful No on 6 campaign against the 1978 Briggs initiative to ban gay teachers in public schools - a battle many have likened to this year's Proposition 8 in…
A publisher has asked if I can suggest someone to give a me Foreword for my new book, You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, But You Can't Make Him Think.
Any takers? If we use it, I will make sure you get attribution. The book is due out Jan/Feb. 2009, so you will need to be quick. Thanks.
Can you give a Comfort Forward?
You no write Need to so guD.
LOLcats may apply;m if can a types fastest\
I realize Ive had a pretty 'lucky' upbringing, for an atheist. My family is rather non-theistic-- Our idea of 'Christmas' was/is Santa, presents, and ordering pizza. 'Passover' is watching 'The Ten Commandments' on TV. At the dinner table we would make fun of stupid things theists did ('AHAHA! Did you hear about Alabamas attorney general?!?'). My atheism has always been a non-issue for my friends and classmates.
So Ive always wondered... what would have happened to me if I was born in say, a nutty 15-wife Mormon compound? What if I was born into a fundamentalist Catholic tribe (not the…
PZ officially wins the internet. He wins it. Its his.
A month ago, he did what any of us would do-- defended a kid from Reavers 'Catholics'. His reward? A month of bullshit. The Reavers 'Catholics' are still frothing at the mouth. But I guess Reavers 'Catholics' can hold a long grudge, the creepy, creepy author of this article is even still bitching about EXPELLED (I thought Catholics accepted evolution?). LOL!
Let it go, Reavers 'Catholics'. You lost this round. You didnt get away with assaulting a kid. You didnt get to fire a professor who refused to give Jesus blow-jobs. You…
You all might remember a few months ago, a fellow named 'John Freshwater' was in the news. According to World Net Daily and Freshwaters own students, Freshwater was asked by school administrators to remove a personal Bible from his desk.
Students protested in defense of their teacher by putting bibles on their own desks.
Good for them!
Of course students have the right to put a Bible on their desk! Just like they have the right to put 'The Three Musketeers' or 'The Satanic Verses' or 'The Many Adventures of Winnie the Poo' on their desk.
How strange their school administration would be so…