Matthew 6:5-8

Gosh golly.

November 14th some good ol Evangelical kids were minding their own business, praising His name on a Friday night on Castro Street.

In front of a memorial set up for Hank Wilson-- A much loved HIV/AIDS, gay rights activist who passed away November 9th.

In the late 1970s, Mr. Wilson participated in the fight against the nascent religious right and its efforts to roll back advances in gay equality. He was instrumental in the successful No on 6 campaign against the 1978 Briggs initiative to ban gay teachers in public schools - a battle many have likened to this year's Proposition 8 in its national significance.

And wouldnt you know it, those damn fags got pissed off at those poor innocent children.

VIDEO-- Embedding disabled

Except eyewitness accounts dont roll with these poor persecuted little ones, and the police made no arrests (if they witnessed an assault, they would have had to). Eye witnesses do say that one guy got out of line and threw an iced coffee at a girl, after which gay boys hauled him over to the cops.

This is all main stream media had to say.

This is what a news crew got:

Those stupid fuck Evangelicals had every right to be assholes and bitch about Jesus and gloat about Prop 8s success 'just sing praise songs' over the memorial of a recently deceased gay rights advocate. I really dont expect even the most rudimentary manners from Evangelicals-- Theyre raised by pigs.

Gay boys had every right to be pissed off at the stupid children. They had every right to chant 'SHAME ON YOU!' and blow whistles. I really dont blame them at all for screaming 'Christians, Mormons, stay out of our neighborhood if you dont like us. LEAVE US ALONE!'

No one has the right to get violent, and according to the police, no one was.

But dont let that stop the Evangelicals from claiming they were 'preparing for martyrdom'. I left a comment on one of the churches videos:

Prophesy ministry kinda let you down on this one, huh?

lol Freaks.

While all comments were deleted from the videos, I was blessed with a response:

Not at all. Actually God has been telling us that martyrdom is coming to our ranks. And we are gladly looking forward to that crown and the fruit He will reap from it. This was just a shadow of things to come.

And thank you. I haven't been called a freak in a long time.

To which I happily replied:

Alas, no one was martyred. Prophesy fail.

Matthew 6:5-8


So its come to this. An atheist quoting the Bible.


Stay strong, gay kids. Dont let those idiots get the best of you. *hug*


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Those poor people being brainwashed by that whakcaloon preacher dude. Whoever the hell he is. He's freakin loopy, man.

Actually God has been telling us that martyrdom is coming to our ranks.

That's Jim Jones type loopy stuff right there. That preacher guy is freakin nuts, man.

Wow. Nowhere have I seen it clearer to me that many dominant groups will continue to try to rub salt in the wounds of defeat of marginalized groups. Wonderful - I'm so glad to see that after proposition 8 passed, that evangelicals wouldn't think that going into Castro to make them 'completely heterosexual' (like Ted Haggard). Why would they? To them, homosexuals aren't people - and have no feelings to be hurt.

As for the Martyrdom... I think its a lot of talk. But lately, it seems right in line with the rampant envy of Islamic outrage evident amongst Christians. My 2 cents.

The good news (so to speak) about this is that the more YouTube video we get of Christianist assfucks being insensitive, the harder it will be for them to remain even a modicum of respectability.

And I was listening to Julia Sweeney's "Letting Go of God" today, in which she points out that Jesus hizzownself taught that the end of days was coming, if not in his own lifetime, then soon thereafter. Why is it that people who so clearly know the mind of Gosh are so shitty at getting the timetable right? [/sarcasm]

Those poor people being brainwashed by that whakcaloon preacher dude. Whoever the hell he is. He's freakin loopy, man.

Wasn't he in Jesus Camp?

Stop it Abby. Your attitude is unjustified. That group had been ministering in that area for years. They didn't specifically go down there to cause trouble.

And, your ridiculous statement that..

"I really dont expect even the most rudimentary manners from Evangelicals-- Theyre raised by pigs." entirely off the mark and completely uncalled for.

Hypocrite much? Your hate, intolerance, and disrespect of certain groups far and away trumps any songs that those Christians may have been singing that night, and I seem to remember you attending a Demski lecture *with the aim* of raising a little hell. Pot meet kettle.

Here's a clip of one of those horrific, "stupid fuck Evangelicals". Yeah, she looks like a real threatening piece of work....*eyes rolling*.

Granted, they should have probably held off with their ministry for a while after prop8 passed knowing that there would be some angry folks lurking for a while. But, they certainly didn't deserve the treatment they got.

Grow up, luv.

Look who's talking, people just don't know when to leave the hell alone. Abbie's "disrespect" and "hate" of certain groups is reactive. Those groups started it.

The gay rights advocates just gave it back. Less so, actually since they're not protesting by the memorial of a fallen religious rights advocate unlike those "poor" people who were doing so in front of a memorial for a gay rights advocate. If you show no respect, you get none.

Deal with it.

By the way, FtK: Yeah, she looks like a real threatening piece of work....*eyes rolling*....where did Abbie or anyone complain about how "threatening" the fundies were there? She's complaining about their lack of manners and lack of respect.

On the other hand, I, as an atheist, also love quoting the bible sometimes.

FtK: "They didn't specifically go down there to cause trouble"
I think your definition of "cause trouble" must differ from mine. Their "ministering" sounds like little more than harassment, and it's more than a bit disingenuous for them to act surprised when they aren't welcomed with open arms.

"they certainly didn't deserve the treatment they got."
What's wrong with the treatment they got? It sounds like they've been hounding people on Castro street for years, and people on Castro street finally got tired of it and hounded them out.

FuckTheKids! Haven't seen you in forever over at PZed's place! Still stalking young girls? Isn't that what got you into trouble the last time?

Anyway, you're still an ignorant twit. Did you watch the video? At what point did these ignorant godbotherers use even basic common courtesy? Or are "hommaseckshuls" not even human to you?

Learn some manners yourself before you attempt to lecture others on theirs... luv.

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 21 Nov 2008 #permalink

I think it would be better to throw Jer. 14:14 at these little tards than the passage from Matthew. I feel reasonably certain that if the YHWH hypothesis is accurate (an asymtopic probability approaching zero, but still possible) it is likely that conservative evangelicals are the false prophets Jeremiah foresaw. He then goes on to loving explain the consequences of of following these leaders, lakes of fire-being thrown into, etc., which should, in a spirit of love and compassion be described in great and excruciating detail to these children at the earliest possible opportunity. In fact, I have nicknamed the religious right fourteeners, to commemorate their accurate description by a certified prophet of YHWH so many millennia ago.

By justawriter (not verified) on 21 Nov 2008 #permalink

Whaddya know... see a post chewing Abbie out for her rage towards the anti-gay protestors, scroll down, signed by FtK.

You want to know what intolerance is, FtK? Intolerance is concern-trolling a prominent atheist blogger AND stalking his daughter. Intolerance is pushing a "marriage" amendment that is clearly a violation of the Establishment clause of the 1st amendment (yeah, I went there, and I want to know why no one has in court). Intolerance is pulling a Phelps, picketing a well-known community activist's funeral. Intolerance is you and your filthy, scummy ilk, FtK. You lying, scumsucking, raging hypocritical dirtbags who can't tell the difference between love and hate, who deny people rights in the name of a two-millennia-dead street preacher who made his name proclaiming acceptance for even the least of society.

You know what kind of a worthless little shit you are, FtK? Jesus wouldn't even spit in your face. He might, if he were sufficiently enraged, crack a money-changer's table over your head. And at no point would he consider you one of his followers.

The video of the police escort seems to have occurred after the account of the rocking blonde. I did hear whistles in the background, did see police with shields. It appears your video mining.

But I do agree you were correct in quoting Matthew 6:5-8. They should have silently prayed elsewhere for the homosexuals.

And so, you've discovered that Christians do not always behave as they should.

When I was young, I knew one guy, and of another, who would be called mixed martial artists today, and who were not Christian. They would go down to Loring Park, a park near Downtown Minneapolis, where homosexuals would look for semi-anonymous sex after dark.

The two guys would go to the park, after dark, split up, and walk alone. Then they would beat the living crap out of perverts who requested a homosexual romp in the bushes.

Most of those perverts are dead, now, because that was right before AIDS became a current media event, and long enough before drug cocktails extended the lives of those who participated in such lifestyles.

I wonder if the mixed martial artists also died, since there was blood on both sides.

The moral of the story: Be thankful the blonde was a Christian, and not an unsaved mixed martial artist who hated city parks being turned into a homosexual freak fest.

They should have silently prayed elsewhere for the homosexuals.

Instead of silently praying, the bigots voted to block a group of people from having the same rights they have (for absolutely no good reason), and then showed up to rub it in those same people's faces.

You know what they should have done instead of praying? Minded their own fucking business. Rather they chose to act like a bunch of arrogant, martyrs "praying" (i.e. voting) for people to fit in their pointless, stupid religious molds and then acting hurt when they have to face the anger of the people whose lives they seek to ruin.

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any of the protesters forcibly ruining any of the marriages of the Christians. Or voting to dissolve their marriages.

I didn't see any of the protesters heading to the polls to prevent miscreant, bigoted, self-righteous pigs like FtK from getting married.

Wow, Wallace. How profound. Let's be thankful the bigots aren't in parks beating (and probably murdering) people when they can just show up at the polls and vote to deny them rights.

How utterly thoughtless of us not to be thankful of how far we've come.

And Wallace, you stupid fuck, drug cocktails preserve the lives of million of people, gay or straight, daily. If you think "lifestyle" is a prerequisite for deserving medication, then you should be eating nothing but salad and vitamin supplements. If you aren't, then shut the fuck up.

Even if you are, please still shut the fuck up. Millions of Americans die yearly because of their chose lifestyles. Obesity, lack of exercise, poor diet, stupidity. And for each one of us who dies there are probably several dozen more on medication to to prevent the effects of the largely lifestyle-created diseases like diabetes and hypertension, not to mention cancer. So fuck off.

People I love dearly, straight people, are alive because of drug coctails. Including at least one child. You don't like it? Too fucking bad. You can tell your doctor all about it while she's filling out your prescription for Lipitor.

Brian X:
You want to know what intolerance is, FtK? Intolerance is concern-trolling a prominent atheist blogger AND stalking his daughter.
Say what?

Say what?

I put up with this slimeball for a long time, since she rarely commented on Pharyngula; her wretched insinuations against my daughter, though, were too much. I think her pseudonym of "For the Kids" means she likes to prey on younger people with her lies and innuendo.

Then they would beat the living crap out of perverts who requested a homosexual romp in the bushes.

Then it should be fair game for women to shoot any man who makes an unsolicited verbal advance on her, too?

Cool, I'm in.

Limp Willy! You're back! Stop beating your wife yet? Still can't get it up, huh? That's too bad.

Maybe FuckTheKids will help you out with that! Between your fantasies of bashing gay men, and her well-known tongue, you might even get lucky!

Have fun with that!

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

I have had relatives, friends, and acquaintances who died before the treatments were available. I have current friends who are homosexual and who are on the drug cocktails. The lifestyles in question were those who were nightly seeking anonymous sex in public locations, hence the characterization "perverts."

Freki, I certainly would sympathize with, but not condone, a group of vigilante women, who were sick of heterosexual perverts cruising neighborhood parks for prostitutes, taking matters into their own hands. Shooting is a bit much for my taste, but pocket guillotines would solve the problem without loss of life, and would be, hypothetically at least, understandable, most especially if the police had repeatedly failed to do their job. As for the two guys who battered homosexual perverts cruising parks, that is of course the wrong approach, but the fact that the victims and perpetrators were both in the wrong, there are mitigating circumstances. On the one hand, they were not out placing personal ads agreeing to meet homosexuals in private locations. On the other, vigilantism is not the answer in the overwhelming majority of cases.

Regarding FtK, my how ERV fans distort and libel. From what I saw, PZ Myers' daughter, who was under 18 at the time, but who was in college if I have my facts straight, had her own blog, the existence of which was advertised from time to time by PZ Myers himself, and who also visited FtK's blog, and who also wrote on a subject that she probably should not have, albeit in an abstract manner. I do believe PZ Myers' daughter has since quietly deleted her original post on her own blog subject she probably now regrets doing. But at the time, FtK disagreed with PZ Myers' daughter, as would most normal people, as the topic in question is outside cultural norms, even in todays' United States. I certainly don't recall anything about stalking, unless you consider posting at the daughter's blog, and a blog entry at FtK's blog, about the topic that the daughter brought up in the first place, stalking. And, as I recall it, FtK was polite, and the exchanges between FtK and PZ Myer's daughter respectful.

In closing, I see nobody cares much about ERV's video mining.


Go fuck yourself with a katana. You're of the same cloth as FtK and your words have no weight, with me or with anyone else here. (And don't think of playing the "civility" card. "Civility" coming from your ilk is just an excuse to try to shut us up.)

As a footnote, Matthew 6:5-8 is the passage many people quote at Christians to use the bible to tell evangelical Christians to Shut The Fuck Up. It's a quote by Jesus saying to those who preach loudly at street corners that they're hypocrites.

By William Woody (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

This is for anyone even remotely interested in the claims that Wallace makes above, in particular that Abbie is guilty of quote mining.

I watched the video he embedded, expecting some more actual footage from the event that Abbie wrote about. But instead, what you get, is one of those poor xtian children talking to what I assume is a group of other xtians about the events that happened. It is a video of her offering her view on what happened, but no actual footage of said event.

So, no douchebottle, that is not quote mining. FAIL.

It would have been if there was a second video from the event that showed what she is claiming happened actually happening, rather than requiring us to believe her story without any evidence to back it up.


One more thing, regarding the video Abbie linked to with the disabled embedded video.

I almost said "any moron" but obviously, given the above post from Wallace, this is not the case.

Anyway, if you go to that video, right next to it, in typical YouTube fashion, is the second part of the video that Wallace links to as if, for anyone interested, they would never have been able to figure out how to watch it without his guidance.


I am disgusted by the behavior of these "martyrs" in more ways than I can describe. I am glad to see the gay community finally standing up and screaming back. The whistles were an excellent idea and one that I beleive could be utilized in more than one arena as it very effectively drowns out the hatred spewed by these ridiculous people. I have absolutely no respect or sympathy for these people as they CHOSE to attack a community, and were summarily rejected. I do not beleive a word the girl said in her "testimony" as she didnt seem as upset by the faceful of hot coffee as she was by the whisles... I dunno, but scalding liquids would bother me more than whistles.

Just another bunch of Liars for Jebus(tm). Nothing to see here. The usual dipshits trying to defend the indefensible. FuckTheKids whining, Limp Willy trying to wave his little manhood around, ah, the fun we have!

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

But, but, but,.....Lance, be nice to Fucked up The Kids and Limp Willy. They have stopped trolling Pharyngula and ATBC, so they don't have many places to make their voices heard, besides their own rarely visited blogs.

They do get frustrated when there are fewer "True Christians" visiting their blogs rather than the more informed portion of the populace.

Oh wow, a duet from FuckTheKids and Wanker Wallace showing their xian love for their fellow humans. But then of course, to these xian nazis, gays aren't really human, are they.

You two really are sad hateful plonkers and, thankfully, bigots like you are one of the reasons your side did so badly on 11/4.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 23 Nov 2008 #permalink

Regarding FtK, my how ERV fans distort and libel. From what I saw, PZ Myers' daughter, who was under 18 at the time, but who was in college if I have my facts straight, had her own blog, the existence of which was advertised from time to time by PZ Myers himself, and who also visited FtK's blog, and who also wrote on a subject that she probably should not have, albeit in an abstract manner. I do believe PZ Myers' daughter has since quietly deleted her original post on her own blog subject she probably now regrets doing.

You mean THIS, William Wallop?

Now, who is the one prone to "distort and libel", you twit?

William Wallace

Extremely tiresome whiner. Insisted on telling me over and over again about the actual events that transpired at the screening of Expelled, never mind that I was there and he was not. Also banned at the Panda's Thumb.

Lance, be nice to Fucked up The Kids and Limp Willy. They have stopped trolling Pharyngula...

Posted by: BGT | November 23, 2008

They have not stopped. That kind of implies they did it of their own volition. Both were banned. TtK for the reason that Sili linked to. Silly Willy for repeatedly "correcting" PZ's account of his being tossed from Expelled

Extremely tiresome whiner. Insisted on telling me over and over again about the actual events that transpired at the screening of Expelled, never mind that I was there and he was not. Also banned at the Panda's Thumb.

Silly Willy is so twisted by his religious beliefs, he cannot recognize real events.


Regarding PZ Myers gaming the RSVP system to get on a list to a private screening he was not invited to, this was corraborated by some of his own contributors, who were encouraging that the RSVP system be gamed.

Ask him to send his invitation--not the RSVP confirmation--but the invitation.

Silly Willy, it was pointed out to you dozens of times that that site was open. The funny thing, I am sure that most of the regulars here are familiar with this event. And that they are yet again having a little chuckle at your boneheadedness.

But, hey, you are the foll that kept using the photo of a jack booted neo-nazi thug in every one of your blog posting about the story.

I will say no more about the subject for it is now completely off topic.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 23 Nov 2008 #permalink

Willy, Shame O' The Highlands:

I'm pretty sure that PZ didn't "game" the invite system. It's their own damn fault if they couldn't recognize the name of a prominent opponent, especially one who was actually *in* the movie and who they had no reasonable excuse to keep out. But then you've been told that, so why am I explaining this to you?

As if Willy's e-penis wasn't already damaged enough during the Expelled from Expelled fiasco, it has to be explained to him once again that using a publicly accessible website to register for a screening is not gaming the system. If the system isn't supposed to be used in such a manner, the fuck up is on their end.

In case we have any non-native speakers, RSVP is an abbreviation for the French repondez s'il vous plait. In English, RSVP is a well known intransitive verb meaing, according to Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary, RSVP: to respond to an invitation.

By William Wallace (not verified) on 23 Nov 2008 #permalink

In case we have any non-native speakers, RSVP is an abbreviation for the French repondez s'il vous plait. In English, RSVP is a well known intransitive verb meaing, according to Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary, RSVP: to respond to an invitation.

... which, in this case, was an open desperate pleainvitation to all who were gullible enoughwanted to waste their time onenjoy this load of steaming tripefine example of investigative reporting.

Wow, FtK and Willy Wallace in the same comments section. That's like the Batman and Robin of stupidity and ignorance. You know your blog has hit the bigtime when both of these whackjobs show up.

For what it is worth, here are excerpts from an eyewitness account, through a friend of mine who is friends of the husband of a woman that was there ( what a coincidence--three degress of seperation).

Then some guy who was dressed up like one of the sisters (The sisters of perpetual indulgence is a group of men who dress up like nuns and call themselves the spiritual authority of the Castro.) took a curtain-type thing (Which I think they use to curse people) and wrapped it around us.

Then a crowd started gathering. We began to sing "Amazing Grace", and basically sang that song the whole night. (At some points we also sang "Nothing but the Blood of Jesus" and "Oh the Blood of Jesus".)

At first, they just shouted at us, using crude, rude, and foul language and calling us names like "haters" and "bigots". Since it was a long night, I can't even begin to remember all of the things that were shouted and/or chanted at us.

Then, they started throwing hot coffee, soda and alcohol on us and spitting (and maybe even peeing) on us.

Then, a group of guys surrounded us with whistles, and blasted them inches away from our ears continually.

Then, they started getting violent and started shoving us.

At one point a man tried to steal one of our Bibles. Chrisdene noticed, so she walked up to him and said "Hey, that's not yours, can you please give it back?". He responded by hitting her on the head with the Bible, shoving her to the ground, and kicking her. I called the cops, and when they got there, they pulled her out of the circle and asked her if she wanted to press charges. She said "No, tell him I forgive him." Afterwards, she didn't rejoin us in the circle, but she made friends with one of the people in the crowd, and really connected heart to heart.

Roger got death threats. As the leader of our group, people looked him in the eyes and said "I am going to kill you.", and they were serious. A cop heard one of them, and confronted him.

It wasn't long before the violence turned to perversion. They were touching and grabbing me, and trying to shove things in my butt, and even trying to take off my pants - basically trying to molest me. I used one hand to hold my pants up, while I used the other arm to hold one of the girls. The guys huddled around all the girls, and protected them.

Soon after, the cops came and stood between us and the mob. When it was getting more heated, the cops were like "You guys should leave." and Roger said "We want to stay."

Someone tried to steal my backpack, but I tapped a cop on the shoulder, and said "Hey, that's my bag." and he got it from him and gave it to me. Others weren't so lucky. Probably half our team got their jackets stolen.

Eventually, as the crowd was getting more and more uncontrollable, the cops were afraid for our lives, so they escorted us to our van. (The cops were very nice to us from start to finish.)

Our van was parked pretty far because it was hard to find parking that day. As the cops escorted us, the mob followed us, until the cops formed a line, and held off the people so we could drive away. We took the long way home, just in case anyone tried to follow us.

When we got home, we prayed and sang more, and then prayed over each-other.

What a pack of lies. A friend of a friend of a friend? Bullshit. If half that stuff happened, the police would have arrested everyone in sight. This is what police do in what could charitably be called a small riot. Everyone is going to jail, protestors, counter-protestors, even the guy walking by to get a pack of smokes.

But what can you expect from a pack of Liars for Jebus?

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 24 Nov 2008 #permalink

William Wallace, you stupid fuck, there was no 'invitation' besides the RSVP. I'm assuming you're not so incompetent that you didn't actually read the emails sent out to interested parties, so you must be lying and hoping no one fails as much as you do.

Let me see if you can parse this message for "please wait for an invitation", Willy: "YOUR NAME WILL BE ON A LIST AT THE DOOR. NO TICKET IS NEEDED. IDs WILL BE CHECKED."

Guess where that came from, you daft wharrgarbler.

By Shirakawasuna (not verified) on 25 Nov 2008 #permalink

Why, how dare you people. Are you accusing Wally of being some sort of fabulist? The man with lots and lots of gay friends and acquaintances all dying of AIDS and none of them want to punch him in the dick when he starts ranting about how their "lifestyle choices" got them where they are, or when he openly fantasizes about them being severely beaten in a park?

For shame!

By minimalist (not verified) on 25 Nov 2008 #permalink

LanceR, I don't know if it is true, or not, but it is an account.

Minimalist, I don't have lots and lots, and I don't go around telling such people that it was there lifestyle choice. That would be akin to telling a friend's father who was dying of lung cancer that it was from smoking cigarettes (he already knew this anyway).

Shirakawasuna, I have a copy of the invitation, and you can see an excerpt from it here.

"Then, they started throwing hot coffee, soda and alcohol on us and spitting (and maybe even peeing) on us."

Sorry but everytime I have been pissed on I have been aware of it.



William Wallace = Proof There Is No God. If there were, he would be blasted into oblivion.

I have a friend who knows this guy who has a sister who has this cat that says that Wee Willy sticks watermelons in his butt and whistles Dixie naked through the park trolling for sexual gratification.

I don't know if it is true, or not, but it is an account.

Lou, I guess it's gotta be true then. Also.

(Also, isn't that from zarathustra what sproke? It's all greek to me. Or maybe Farce. Talking cats, wow. Don't know why that strongly reminds me of Margarita's...)
Alright, I'll try and sleep it off nau. lol, yawn -}

God you're an idiot, Willy. The existence of *an* invitation doesn't invalidate the very, very clear message of that quote I just gave you. Have you figured out where it came from, yet?

Of course you have, you lying asshat.

By Shirakawasuna (not verified) on 25 Nov 2008 #permalink

LanceR, I don't know if it is true, or not, but it is an account.

This is disingenuous at best, and blatant lying at worst. Sure, it's "an account", but one that is obviously bogus, and is not even first-hand... fourth remove at best. Anyone not blinded by ideology can see that.

Hot coffee thrown on them? Right. And where are the hospital reports? The lurid photographs? If there were any evidence it would be trumpeted to the heavens... so where is it?

A cop witnesses a theft of personal property and does not arrest the taker? Bullshit. A group of cops interrupts a riot with "touching and grabbing me, and trying to shove things in my butt, and even trying to take off my pants - basically trying to molest me." and does nothing but stand in the middle? Horsefeathers.

If this were any other two groups, you would have no problem seeing the false victimization here. Do try to keep up with reality.

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 26 Nov 2008 #permalink

Why, I bet one of those poor persecuted kwistians even got a backwards "B" carved into her cheek.

"B" standing for "b'gays" of course.

By minimalist (not verified) on 26 Nov 2008 #permalink

As a new San Francisco authentic faggot (I'm in the adjacent Mission, not the Castro), I think they definitely deserved what they got, which was nothing more than shouts and some whistles. They're not welcome in our neighborhoods. They organized to strip us of a right we had a month ago, and showed up to defile the grave of one of our heroes to peddle their hate speech. SHAME ON THEM! I haven't heard of them being back since, and I hope this means they learned their lesson. This is the safe haven that queers persecuted out of small towns come to, I don't care if they just want to smile and hand out fucking pamphlets asserting lies about change through Jesus or whatever the fuck it is they sell these days. Maybe something semi-peaceful, like pelting with rotted fruit as their chased out, would be better next time. Non-harming, just smelly and unpleasant.... like their presence in the Castro!

William Wallace wrote:

Freki, I certainly would sympathize with, but not condone, a group of vigilante women, who were sick of heterosexual perverts cruising neighborhood parks for prostitutes, taking matters into their own hands.

This is even more ridiculous than that creepy gay bashing fantasy. If you think we need roving bands of morality police to stop consenting adults from having sex that is not sanctioned by the government, then perhaps Saudi Arabia would be more to your liking.

You know what I call perverted? Freaking out about other people's sexual activity to the extent that you become hysterical or violent about it. It's pathological, creepy and more than a little scary. Voyeuristic, even, one might say.

I found this great quote while looking for synonyms of "prudery" (there is a disappointingly small number of them, it seems):

"The peculiarity of prudery is to multiply sentinels, in proportion as the fortress is less threatened." -Victor Hugo

Seriously, Wallace, get a grip. People have been having unsanctioned sex forEVER. It's time to learn how to let go.

People have been having unsanctioned sex forEVER. It's time to learn how to let go.

But all that unsanctioned sex isn't happening to *him*! That's why he has to engage in his little gaybash fantasies. He wouldn't have the balls to actually approach a man, just fantasize about the whipping and the stroking and the manly man stuff.

That's a really deep closet you've got there, Limp Willy.

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 26 Nov 2008 #permalink


Unsanctioned sexual relations in public places is perverted.

LanceR, you should stick to the facts, and not your speculation about my sexuality. In that light, the account is an account. Not given under oath. But is is plausible in light of the footage of the aftermath. And somewhat consistent. Police, in general, sit by idly when they are out numbered, e.g., in potential riot situations. And who could blame them?

But is is possible, I suppose, that these Christians have conspired to make the events seem much worse than they are.

Unsanctioned sexual relations in public places is perverted.

Says who? You? Just because *you* dislike something does not make it bad. Elevating your personal prejudice to the level of morals is just insanity.

Your actions and attitudes scream "closeted". You may want to get that looked at.

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 27 Nov 2008 #permalink

"But is is possible, I suppose, that these Christians have conspired to make the events seem much worse than they are."

That's a neat way of making the simple act of lying sound a lot more complicated, asshole.

Unsanctioned sexual relations in public places is perverted.

So sanctioned sexual relations in public places is not perverted? Where do I go to get my sexual relations in public places sanctioned?

I'm pretty sure having fantasies of beating up gays is a sign of being a repressed gay. Straight people could care less what gay people do.

By Don Smith, FCD (not verified) on 27 Nov 2008 #permalink

Unsanctioned sexual relations in public places is perverted.

Then you should support gay marriage. If government approved sex in the privacy of one's own home is all it takes to turn "perverted" sex into "normal" sex, then SSM would be a step in the right direction.

I'll say it again: your perverse and violent obsession with other people's sex lives is disturbing and creepy. The fact that you have revenge fantasies about mutilating and beating other people because they have consensual sex that you don't approve of is just fucked up.

Seriously, just think about that for a second: You want to harm other people for having sex with partners you don't approve of.

Your sadistic little fantasies makes the run of the mill BDSM people look tame. The people I know who are into it respect their partners, and have no desire to actually hurt anyone outside of a little harmless simulation, in which they have been happily given permission. It's play. The creepy shit you are talking about is not play, it's mindless violence bordering on evil.


That's certainly more plausible than any of the ridiculous and creepy fantasies William has put forth, here or anywhere else I've seen his garbage.

Dude is sick. Should we hold a pool as to when he gets locked up, and for what crime, exactly? Should we add a bonus for guessing the correct jurisdiction in which he winds up listed as a sex offender?

I didn't call him a rapist, Tyler, if my post is what you are referring to.

I called him a little creep with a pathological obsession that causes him to think and (unfortunately for us) give a sympathetic voice to nasty, sadistic things like gay bashing and forcible penectomy for adults males who visit prostitutes.

I'm not sure about how things are where you come from, but where I come from getting misty-eyed about gay bashing and genital mutilation is fucking weird and creepy.

And acting like I called him a rapist was about as adroit as your BDSM comment. Which is to say, not adroit at all.

A rapist? Nah. Limp Willy wouldn't be able to muster the... um... enthusiasm for that. He's just your garden-variety pervert who tries to hide his sickness by lashing out at all of "those people". He secretly fantasizes about them, and hates himself for doing so. Hating himself, he turns that loathing into anger at "those people" for making him hate himself.

A sexual sadist, perhaps, but not a rapist.

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 28 Nov 2008 #permalink

Well, however bad I am, I can't be much less fun than a voyeurist, wannabe gay basher with castration fantasies.

I guess I can live with that!


Sorry, I know I'm being *overly* serious, but I am sick to shit of little religo-fucko-sado creeps like him smelling other peoples' underwear and then calling them perverts and demanding government action when he detects the scent of unpermitted sexual activity.

The little perv should just mind his own fucking business.

It's okay Leni, the internet is serious business.

Anyway, I thought we were all trolling William Wallaids for the lulz. Sorry if I misapprehending the atmosphere here, I'm known to do so.

After Waltard stumbles in and cuts a haggis-ridden fart, it's always impossible to decide what the atmosphere is.

Wow, you people cannot help but deceive. Keep on typing, let the world know what evolanders really support.

This is a thread about Christians who were abused by gays, by an author who seems to doubt the veracity of the accounts, and selects two videos, one of an account, and another of something that occured after the account, as though the second were what really happened.

I have coincidentally come across a different account that corroborates the first account. Occam's razor says that it is doubtful that the Christians are making up stories. But if you are gullible enough to believe in the theory of evolution, it is not surprising that you believe that Christians are making up stories about being battered by the wanna-be homosexual mafia.

My point was:
The gays should be lucky they were up against peaceful Christians, and not those who commit violence against homosexuals. (This is the main reason PZ Myers picks on Catholics and Jesus instead of Mohammedans and their profit Mohammad.)

A subsequent point:

Public sex is perverted. Says who? The law. Even heterosexuals get in trouble for this. (Though, as an evolander blog, I wouldn't be surprised to read that you people think public sex and rape is natural, and occurred for thousands of years, and should be tolerated.)

As for gay marriage, it makes as much sense as a vegetarian demanding to be able to buy hunting licenses for picking mushrooms.

No, Limp Willy, Occam's Razor would suggest that all Xtians are lying. It's really the only way to reconcile their behavior with their stated beliefs.

Lying again, PZ also desecrated a Koran. Did you miss that part? He has taunted Muslim idiots (Harun Yahya ring a bell?) whenever they come up. Not surprisingly, he has to deal with Xtian idiots much more frequently, living in Jesusstan with idiots like you.

"Perversion" is a private judgment. Legal and perverse are often two very different things.

What's the difference between erotic and kinky?
Erotic is tickling your lover with a feather, kinky is tickling your lover with the whole chicken.

What's the difference between kinky and perverted?
Kinky is using a french tickler, perverted is using french toast.

See the difference? No, of course you don't. You're blinded by your own emotional involvement. Tell you what, why don't you go finish puberty, and come back. We'll wait for you.

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 01 Dec 2008 #permalink

Wally, Wally, Wally, fundie Xtianity is all ABOUT the lying. Lying about science, lying about Xtians being a "persecuted minority" in America, etc. etc.

In this case, it's all about play-acting at being little martyrs for Jeezus. That's how they're raised. They're raised to believe that they are Special, they are Jesus' Little Warriors, and "the world will revile and persecute them" for being smug hate-filled little ignoramusesRighteous and Godly.

So yeah, it's no surprise that they'd go after an "easy target" (see below). They figured they'd go put on a show, get booed and harassed a little, but the "limp-wristed fairies" wouldn't really pose actual bodily harm. So they could all rush back to their megachurch's youth center, giggling and hearts a-pounding, to trade fish stories about how they totally almost got martyred for Christ there!

"One of them threw a soda at me!"

"That's nothing! One of them threw wee-wee on me!"

"I got you all beat! One of them began spitting blood at me and levitating in the air because he was so full of the gay-demonz!"

etc. etc.

The gays should be lucky they were up against peaceful Christians, and not those who commit violence against homosexuals.

Fuck you, you tiny-minded little simpleton. Just, fuck, you. The fundies went to THEM and provoked THEM in their neighborhood. I'd ask "what don't you understand" but I think at this point asking "what do you understand" would yield the more concise answer by far.

You know what else San Fran has lots of? Homeless people. How many of those little turds have put in time at homeless shelters or food pantries? How many of them have even tried talking to a homeless person face to face?

(Come to think of it, how many of them have even tried talking to a TEH GAY face-to-face? Further proof that this was a big show, meant to accomplish nothing but provoke the community and feed the fundies' sense of entitlement and martyrdom.)

These fundies, these cowardly little self-righteous fragments of nothingness, THEY were the ones who went picking on someone. THEY were the ones who deliberately selected a target that would let them vent their hate, make them feel Righteous and Martyred, and wouldn't have a chance of seriously harming them, as a mentally-ill homeless person might.

So no, cretin, the gays were not "lucky" that those fundies were "peaceful", because they were self-selected for cowardice and "martyrdom" in the first place.

By minimalist (not verified) on 01 Dec 2008 #permalink

Oh, and while we're on the subject of Wally's deranged delusions:

(This is the main reason PZ Myers picks on Catholics and Jesus instead of Mohammedans and their profit Mohammad.)

PZ gets hate mail from fundies and Catholics all the time. PZ gets death threats.

People who have tried to get forced-Xtianity out of the public schools have gotten hate mail. They've gotten death threats. They've had their houses vandalized, their names publicly dragged through the mud, and even been physically assaulted (one example among many).

Thank Gawd for those peaceful, loving, nonviolent Xtians, eh? Hallelujah!

Of course, it's easy to be unaware of these things when you're as deliberately, thoroughly ignorant and delusional as Wallykins.

By minimalist (not verified) on 01 Dec 2008 #permalink

As for gay marriage, it makes as much sense as a vegetarian demanding to be able to buy hunting licenses for picking mushrooms.

It's your analogy that makes no sense. You, like so many anti-gay bigots, cannot produce a single logical argument to keep gay marriage illegal!