Regarding Rick Warren, This Whom the Obama Administration is 'Reaching Out to'

I really wasn't going to say much about the decision to have Rick Warren, civil rights opponent and evolution denialist, until Pam Spaulding bravely put on her slime guard and went to see what the rightwing denizens of Free Republic had to say. Warning--not safe for workdecent human beings:

LOL the homo's are taking a right beating lately. This is just great, what is it ah yes change we can believe in have you got that homo's? change you never thought LOL

Since his election to the position of President Elect, Obama has shown increasingly that he may be (emphasis on "may be") a pure old fashioned opportunist. He has betrayed the hard-core left most of all. Does that mean that conservatives can still hope? I dunno.

Disagreement is not allowed. You'd think Obama would know that by now. By the way, they knew Obama's stance on gay marriage didn't they?

Honestly now. Is there anyone abominable sodomites are not "furious" with?

Touchy fags.

we can watch the radical left and homo's get all their knickers in a twist

Trannies claim to be women trapped in men's bodies or vice-versa. IMHO, the entire LBGT "community" are a bunch of brown-shirts trapped in rainbow attire.

I personally dont have much use for Warren, another man of the cloth looking for a guvvie handout.

BTW, the most we could hope for is that Obama might turn out to be a pragmatist that would benignly react to events instead of trying to implement a socialist agenda. That said, I will fear him as a possible Manchurian candidate until his last day in office.

I LOVE IT! Nothing so much pleases me as seeing the queerly beloved get angry at Rick Warren over his endorsement of Proposition 8! BRING IT ON!!!

"Furious" and "fierce" are two more words that now belong exclusively to the "gay" emotional typology.

great isn't it to see these homo's get done over, the idiots actually thought he was going to give them marriage right off the bat. maybe they never heard Biden or knew in the black community or the area of chicago homo's are not well received. Not only that but did they take no notice of the church he went to for 20 years

obama is actually pissing the left off more than the right and it is great to see

When your entire "ideology" is pandering the those who are pandered to less will always be upset. Too bad no one runs on principles anymore. Maybe Paline, Jindal or Steele will lead us from this moral morass.

Prolly gonna hold their breath and stamp their feet. Maybe even say something snotty. I wonder if Ben and Nia-Malika, bless their little hearts, are writing from the inside, or merely as informed observers. These "folks" don't have much to worry about.

Hey LGBTs! Your ass ain't gonna believe what your eyes are telling you!

..Gay activists furious with Obama .....oh $hit, I could just punch a pillow.

So His Majesty is telling the gays to bite him. Sweet.

Is B Hussein telling the rumpriders to pound sand instead of each other?

Did the gays finally realize what Muslims do to homos? Well, they elected a muzzie.

These f@gs are fascists and way over the top. I have always said there is no difference between sex-preference and racism, and the language of sexual-orientation goes right ahead with advocacy of bestiality and other abominable degenerate orientations.

This is BS, big time. Warren had a pro-life right to turn down the biggest threat to the unborn ever conceived. Did the man actually agree to do this? NO conservative could even entertain the thought of supporting this man even to hand him a tissue, unless he was crying out in repentance for the deaths of the little ones he agrees to murder. THis is a con, Christians--a con. He's saying here's the apple--doesn't Warren know the heart of Satan when he sees it?

The f@g media and Holywood wanted to be elected, as the real "first ladies" of Obama. My, the world is gona die because f@gs don't get to be "dignified" and get to keep being ashamed of wishing to rape little boys freely, culturaly and physicaly. We have other problems. Who are these freaging aristocrates? I love the smell of napalm and persecution in the morning. It rushes the f@gs to go appopleptic. No honey, you can't have your butt honey, sorry.

Perhaps the gay activists want Rev. Rosie O'Donnell to perform the rites prior to the Obamaniacs' mass orgasm.

This is hilarious! The fags thought when Obama was elected they could shove their gay agenda down everybody's throat. Obama is showing them they don't own him and he has simply used them to get where he is. I think Rick Warren is a good pick but he should council Obama in regards to infanticide.

Obama shouldn't have bothered trying to appease conservative evangelicals. It won't work for the same reason compassionate conservatism (ie: liberal appeasement) didn't work. Meanwhile, he's pissed off a valuable constituency. I'm sure he has the same thought Jorge had, "where else are they gonna go?" but they might stay home next election. See where that got the Republican party?

Angry turd rustlers? I'm not having a hard time NOT caring.

I preferred it when the homos were in the closet.

There is no principle here, this is just unbridled hatred. These are not values. Decent people don't 'include' haters like this; you don't reach out to them.

You shun them.

Oh, and America, meet the Republican base. Their rage and hatred wasn't a result of the recent campaign, it is integral to their nature.

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i couldnt read it past the first couple paragraphs. Its too much. Its this kind of hatred that reminds me that i am one of few sane people living in a insane country.

By Paconious (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

Um, ...what Paco said.

By Matt Platte (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

Reach out your hand to the fanatic Republican base and it will come back a stump.

couldnt read it past the first couple paragraphs. Its too much. Its this kind of hatred that reminds me that i am one of few sane people living in a insane country.

Let's be fair about this. Apparently, the decision to invite Reverend Warren was made by somebody in Congress, not President Elect Obama. At most, the president elect is guilty of errors of omission, not commission.

It's HIS inauguration, SLC. Don't pretend like you think he had no say in it.

Several other sites have the emails of the people on the commission, including a member of Obama's transition team (I think, I may be wrong on what he does) that has some input on this decision, and I expressed my disgust at this. From what other reports have said, Obama was the man who approved this, and if so, then he shares the blame for giving this bigot his stamp of approval. Why Obama would even want to offer a place at the table for people who would sooner spit on him than smile...I don't know. Maybe he really is that delusional, or maybe his real fanaticism is just coming to the foreground. We'll just have to wait and see, but since this is the second time Obama wants to share a stage with a homobigoted fanatic, I think we can see his true colors in this regard. Disappointed in him is a gentle way of stating my feelings.

Up to this point, I considering trying to attend the inauguration. Now I do believe I'll sit this one out.


By Roadtripper (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

I don't even like that they have to have an "invocation." Shit like the freepers spew against everbody they don't like makes me sick and tired of the way that some people raise their kids in this country. So, Obama was reaching his hand out to "disagree without being disagreeable?" Warren himself is disagreeable.

He should have first demanded that Warren apologize for the way he campaigned for Prop. 8. Comparing gay marriage to bestiality? I bet he happily sodocmizes his wife and they think it's hunky dory.

I think Tiana described this situation best. Or at the very least in the most amusing fashion.

However - a few items about Obama:
(a) His legislative record has always been centrist.
(b) His books clearly show a man refuses to 'suspect the motives' of his political opponents. On the one hand, this is part of what enabled him to run such a 'clean campaign' . On the other hand - I worry that it prevents him from recognizing the the threat presented by the likes of Rick Warren.
(c) Obama sees himself as being a uniter - someone who can bring together people who disagree on many issues to work together on the issues they agree on. This helps explain some of his odd cabinet picks, such as Robert Gates. He is genuinely trying to build a centrist administration.
(d) If his cabinet picks are any indication - the 'hope and change' Obama hopes to implement will be all about slowing down global warming and providing jobs. See Joe Rohm's great series of posts on what Obama's cabinet picks likely mean for action on reducing CO2 emissions.

As Orac has pointed out, this should not have been surprising. (Although I admit I was surprised he picked a pastor as far right as Warren.)

While I was initially very disappointed when I heard about Warren, the more I've thought about it, the less upset I've become. The politics of division are what put the Republicans in the white house so many times in recent decades. Yes, Obama runs the risk of having his hand bitten, but if he doesn't reach out, the politics of division will just continue.

Which is worth more, payback for all the evil things the "religious" right has done, or building a lasting majority to tackle the huge problems we face?