streaming videos
tags: creationism, creation story, humor, satire, streaming video
Richard Dawkins spent so much time crafting his arguments, but comedian Ricky Gervais did an even better job refuting the creation story simply by reading the Bible aloud. [9:57]
tags: courtship dance, bird of paradise, ornithology, birds, avian, streaming video
Every time I see this clip on The Life of Birds Planet Earth, I am impressed and amused. [0:48]
tags: creationism lies, fossils, ordovician, avian, streaming video
A streaming video revealing that the Creationist museum was built upon a huge layer of Ordovician fossils, including brachiopods, trilobites, and bryozoans [10:11]
tags: cat, humor, streaming video
This hilarious video looks like it will become a YouTube classic. I hope you enjoy it [5:44]
tags: Keith Olbermann, politics, political opinion, streaming video
By pardoning commuting Lewis "Scooter" Libby's sentence, Bush ignored the rule of law so he could do what is best for his cronies, NOT what is best for this nation. Expressed verbally, the real message Bush was sending to the people of the United States could have been sent with just two words (the first word starts with the letter "F" and the second is "you"); expressed physically, Bush's underlying message could have been conveyed with just one finger -- guess which one? In pardoning commuting Libby's punishment, Bush made…
tags: iPhone, humor, streaming video
This hilarious video shows what can happen when you count your chickens before they've hatched, so to say. It also has a nice soundtrack. [3:41]
tags: zorse, zebroid, zebra-horse hybrid, Eclyse
This equid with distinctive markings is a zorse -- the hybrid offspring of a female zebra and a male horse.
Eclyse (Ek LEE za) is the latest addition to the German safari park, Schloss Holte Stukenbrock. Eclyse is also special as zorses, or zebroids as they are also known, are typically the product of a horse mare that has bred with a zebra stallion. Her mother, on the other hand, was a zebra.
Image: Reuters [larger]
The creature pictured above is a one-year-old zorse -- a hybrid between a female Chapmann's zebra and a male horse, and what…
tags: Mika Brzezinski, news, Paris Hilton, streaming video
MSNBC's news anchor, Mika Brzezinski, refuses to report on the Paris Hilton story on the Morning Joe show, even though her bosses made it the lead story -- against her wishes. Perhaps more people in the media & news outlets should follow Mika's example and stop reporting non-news stories about worthless people like Paris, who is an obscenely rich and self-centered brat. [3:01]
tags: hell, humor, streaming video
This streaming video is Rowan Atkinson's sketch about the Devil Welcoming People to Hell [3:04]
tags: microwave science, humor, streaming video
This week's science experiment while drunk asks what happens when you light a match, place a glass over it, and then microwave it? [1:03]
tags: employment, science, math, engineering, streaming video
Why would any sane and intelligent American even consider getting a college education in science or math when it can mean months or years of unemployment or underemployment? I mean seriously, large corporations are hiring H1-Bs instead of American workers, and academe can only absorb so many graduates -- in fact, far fewer than the number that graduate every year. So in short, there is no shortage of math and science graduates in this country as I have often said, despite the fact that Bush and his cronies repeatedly claim there is…
tags: cat, cat chat, streaming video
This sweet kitty, named Tiggy, is quite talkative. In this streaming video, she is looking for her people, using auditory cues. Awww ...
tags: Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, humor, streaming video
No matter what you haters say, I think that Hillary does have a sense of humor. Not bad, considering that she's the front-runner in that most deadly-serious of American hobbies; running for president of the United States [1:35]
tags: George Carlin, humor, streaming video
This is a streaming video of George Carlin throughout the years, starting when he was funny. The language is somewhat colorful (as typical with George Carlin), but he is an excellent social observer and critic who has a lot of good points to make, and his comments about God are especially spot-on. [10:37]
tags: Donald Rumsfeld, creationism museum, religion, science, streaming video
Three students attended the grand opening of the controversial creationism museum and interview people who agree with it as well as those who do not. This video did not take any side. Their intentions were to simply get people's opinions. [6:07]
tags: Donald Rumsfeld, politics, humor, satire, streaming video
In an extended view, Craig shows us that you never know what those zany Defense Secretaries might do next. [2:10]
tags: air traffic, FAA, streaming video
The Flight Pattern visualizations are the result of experiments leading to the project Celestial Mechanics by Scott Hessels and Gabriel Dunne. FAA data was parsed and plotted using the processing programming environment. Basically, these are some amazing videos of air traffic over the USA as seen by the FAA. [2:59]
Well, here's something that you don't see every day; an owl that insisted on watching a soccer game by flying between the two goals. The commentary is not in English, and the video is somewhat pixelated, but there are a few good shots of this bird when it perched on the goal posts. Can you identify the species, dear readers? [5:56]
Here is a sweet little video that you will enjoy. In celebration of Father's Day, the filmmakers behind the Evolution of Dad documentary project filmed close to 150 people around New York City, talking about their dads. The interviews are touching, funny and heartfelt. [1:31]
tags: Paul Potts, opera, Britain's Most Talented, streaming video
During the past couple weeks, I have been following the amazing and inspirational story of Paul Potts on YouTube. Paul is a cell phone salesman from South Wales in Great Britain -- a very quiet and unassuming man. He has been suffering from a lack of self-confidence throughout his life even while he has been relying on an amazing talent to bolster his self-esteem. But one day, he entered Britain's Most Talented competition and has been "wowing" the public ever since. You have to see this latest video about Paul (there are more…