streaming videos
tags: squirrel, behavior, mission impossible, streaming video
I thought I had linked to this video a few months ago, but apparently it disappeared during one of the typical burps that my wifi connection experiences (well, I deserve it since I am piggybacking on someone else's connection, unless I have dragged myself in to the library). Anyway, this video is truly amazing, showing what a squirrel will do to get a nut. It also has a short video clip of another squirrel that has figured out how to steal candy bars from an outdoor candy machine [1:52].
tags: dateline, parody, humor, to catch a predator, streaming video
This amusing parody of a scene in Dateline's "To Catch a Predator" TV show was banned, and so, it will make you laugh. Lesson learned? Make sure the predator isn't wearing Nikes [1:06]
tags: crow, kitten, unlikely friends, streaming video
This is a story that I've linked to before, but the video is new since then; it tells the story of a wild crow that befriended a motherless kitten, fed and protected it and now that the kitten (now more a cat than a kitten) has found a home with humans, the crow still is fast friends. [7:29]
tags: star wars, star trek, lego, streaming video
This is an amusing fan-flick using starships made from legos, showing a battle between the starship enterprise and the x-wing fights from star wars [3:16]
tags: hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, Deroptyus accipitrinus, clicker training, streaming video
As some of you know, I recently added a four-month-old hawk-headed (red-fan) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, to my household. I plan to learn how to clicker-train this bird (I already have the necessary tools and books). Below the fold is an example of another young Hawk-headed parrot, named Scooter (owned by Jeannie), who was approximately seven months old in this video. This training session reinforces earlier training where he learned how to place a small ball into a bowl. You can even…
tags: dinosaurs, movie magic, streaming video
This interesting time-lapse streaming video shows how the movie industry built some amazingly realistic life-sized dinosaurs [shockwave: 3:50]
tags: star trek, blu-ray phaser, streaming video
Hack a Playstation 3 blu-ray laser and turn the Star Trek Phaser into a Blu-Ray Laser Phaser! First time in the world this has ever been done! Less than$100 [1:27].
Blu-Ray Laser Phaser!
tags: cats, jenna, swimming cat, streaming video
This streaming video shows a half-grown cat, named Jenna, playing with water -- in a bathtub! [1:44]
tags: cats, kizzy, cat does dog tricks, streaming video
This is a video showing the amazing Kizzy, an eight-year-old bengal cat that does tricks as well as any dog does [2:03]
tags: hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, Deroptyus accipitrinus, clicker training, streaming video
As some of you know, I recently added a four-month-old hawk-headed (red-fan) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, to my household. I plan to learn how to clicker-train this bird (I already have the necessary tools and books). Below the fold is an example of another young Hawk-headed parrot, named Scooter (owned by Jeannie), who was approximately seven months old in this video. This training session focuses on teaching the bird how to place a small ball into a bowl. [4:14]
tags: slow motion popcorn, streaming video
Okay, this is a short video, but it is nonetheless interesting. Have you ever wondered what popping popcorn looks like in slow motion? Well, thanks to a special camera that captures 5,400 frames per second, you can now see exactly what happens to popcorn [0:17]
tags: the world's most deadly animal, streaming video
Do you know what the world's most deadly animal (for humans) is? The grizzly bear? Or wolves? Or maybe the humble hippopotamus? There is a streaming video below the fold that answers this question. [1:58]
The females of most mosquito species suck blood (hematophagy) from warm-blooded animals. This has made mosquitoes one of the most deadly vectors known to man, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year through the spread of diseases.
tags: madagascar, leapin' lemurs, streaming video
This streaming video from the BBC show, Weird Nature: Marvelous Motion compares the movement of Sifaka lemurs to ballet, but it's also reminiscent of a martial arts movie. Remarkably, these animals can jump as far as 30 feet from tree to tree! And they make it look so effortless [1:49]
tags: kitchen science, glowing ice bulb, streaming video
Have you ever made a glowing ice bulb? I bet you didn't know they existed! Watch this video and learn how to do it in your own kitchen. [3:10]
How to make Glowing Ice!
tags: hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, Deroptyus accipitrinus, clicker training, streaming video
As some of you know, I recently added a four-month-old hawk-headed (red-fan) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, to my household. I plan to learn how to clicker-train this bird (I already have the necessary tools and books). Below the fold is an example of another young Hawk-headed parrot, named Scooter (owned by Jeannie), who was approximately six months old in this video. This training session focuses on teaching the bird how to pick up and retrieve a small ball. [8:52]
tags: crazy frog, budgett frog, streaming video
This streaming video shows a frog puffing up and defending itself, complete with weird sound effects, from an evil human attacker [1:17]
tags: evolution, politics, education, Kitzmiller, Dover School District, intelligent design, Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial, NOVA, streaming video
Occasionally, very rarely in fact, I wish I had a television, and this is one of those days. I just received an ad from Kate Becker, regarding a new NOVA program, "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" which will air 8 pm on Tuesday, November 13 on your local PBS station (you might have also noticed that they are advertizing this program on this site).
This program documents the war over evolution that came to Dover, Pennsylvania…
tags: Phalcoboenus australis, striated caracara, flying devils, streaming video
This streaming video shows young striated caracaras, Phalcoboenus australis, on the Falkland Islands as they do what they do best .. wreak havoc [2:46]
tags: kitchen science, recharge batteries, streaming video
This streaming video describes a quick and easy way to recharge your dead batteries -- for free (unless you consider the expense of nearly boiling them in the process). I am not entirely convinced that this will work, but on the other hand, it is an interesting example of "kitchen science" where you can actually test this experiment for yourself and report back here. [1:07]
Recharge Batteries For Free - Free videos are just a click away
tags: talking deer prank, humor, streaming video
This streaming video shows what happens when two city boyz strap a stuffed deer to the hood of their car, and leave it in the parking lot of a local truck stop. Oh, did I mention that this stuffed deer can also move and .. talk? Much hilarity follows [4:17]