Skeptics Circle

Little known fact: 21 is the smallest prime that can be formed from the product of smaller primes in four different ways (7x3, 3x7, and 7x1x3). Anyway, the 21st skeptics circle is here. Check it out.
See it at The Uncredible Hallq.
Get your skeptical blogging at Time to lean.
At Wolverine Tom.
Read it at decorabilia.
The 16th Skeptics Circle is here.
The Fifteenth Skeptics' Circle is out.
Check out the 12th Skeptic's Circle.
The 11th Skeptic's Circle is out. Don't miss the tag-team debunking by Orac and co of an awful "Thimerosal causes autism" piece by Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Get your skeptical blogging here.
The Ninth Skeptics Circle is out.
It's out! The Eighth Skeptics Circle.
Check out the Seventh Skeptics Circle here.
The Sixth Skeptics Circle is here. Check it out.
The Fifth Skeptics Circle is here. The link to Mike Huben's pre-blogging blog brought back memories with this eulogy for Steve Kangas. Before there was the Lancet study there was Kellermann et al's NEJM study that found that owning a gun was associated with a three-fold increase in the risk of being murdered. This prompted many furious and ill-informed "debunkings" on Usenet. Kangas put together a nice document rebutting all of them.
The Fourth Skeptics Circle is here. Lots of interesting posts. In particular I recommend Richard Rockley's "Five Apples"---he could almost be wrting about criticisms of the Lancet study.
Radagast has put together the third edition of the Skeptics' Circle. Lots of good reading there. Thanks, Radagast!
Orac has done a wonderful job of organising a slew of links to skeptical blogging into the Skeptics' Circle. (We're talking about the good kind of skepticism here, not global warming/ozone depletion/evolution sceptics.) However, I must take issue with one small thing. Orac names Penn and Teller as heroes of the skeptic fellowship. They're not. Last year, an alert reader noticed that their show on Safety Hysteria cited as an expert none other than Steve Milloy. (In an obvious attempt to hide from my scrutiny access to their website is blocked from Australia, so I've linked to…