
tags: mystery bird, identify this bird, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Cactus Wren, Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus, photographed in Starr County Park, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 5 April 2008 [larger view]. Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/500s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum, photographed in Attwater Prairie Chicken Refuge, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 6 December 2008 [larger view]. Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/160s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Gambel's Quail, Callipepla gambelii, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Gambel's Quail, Callipepla gambelii, photographed in Arizona. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Richard Ditch, 2005 [larger view]. Date Time Original: 2005:03:28 15:59:55 Exposure Time: 1/319 F-Number: 8.00 ISO: 200 Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Cave Swallow, Petrochelidon fulva, Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Cave Swallow, Petrochelidon fulva (L) and Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica (R), photographed at Smith Point, Texas. [I will identify these birds for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 24 October 2008 [larger view]. Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/640s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Lucy's Warbler, Vermivora luciae, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Lucy's Warbler, Vermivora luciae, photographed in Arizona. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Richard Ditch, 2007 [larger view]. Date Time Original: 2007:06:21 07:31:23 Exposure Time: 1/80 F-Number: 5.60 ISO: 800 Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: White-throated Thrush, Turdus assimilis, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] White-throated Thrush, Turdus assimilis, photographed in Allen Williams Yard, Pharr, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 4 April 2008 [larger view]. Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/160s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Wattled Jacana, Jacana jacana, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Wattled Jacana, Jacana jacana, photographed in tributary called the Rio Ariau, a tributary that runs between the Rio Negro and Amazon rivers about 35 miles west of Manaus. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Martin, 2008 [larger view]. Nikon D80 300mm lens at 1/100th sec, ISO1600. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. I'm a blogger and a fan of your site (I run the Praxis Carnival), and I happen to have a photograph of a bird I took in the Amazon a while…
tags: Wilson's Snipe, Gallinago delicata, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Wilson's Snipe, Gallinago delicata, photographed in Arizona. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Richard Ditch, 2008 [larger view]. Date Time Original: 2008:01:20 09:04:13 Exposure Time: 1/639 F-Number: 10.00 ISO: 400 Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Franklin's Gull, Leucophaeus pipixcan, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery birds] Franklin's Gull, Leucophaeus pipixcan, photographed the Quintana Beach and Jetty area, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 18 November 2008 [larger view]. Nikon D200 1/1000s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Bell's Vireo, Vireo bellii, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Bell's Vireo, Vireo bellii, photographed in Arizona. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Richard Ditch, 2007 [larger view]. Date Time Original: 2007:06:15 06:57:08 Exposure Time: 1/100 F-Number: 5.60 ISO: 200 Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Dickcissel, Spiza americana, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Dickcissel, Spiza americana, photographed at Crab Street, Surfside, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 18 November 2008 [larger view]. Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/800s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Common Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Common Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, photographed in Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 28 December 2008 [larger view]. Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/400s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Verdin, Auriparus flaviceps, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Verdin, Auriparus flaviceps, photographed in Arizona. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Richard Ditch, 2007 [larger view]. Date Time Original: 2007:05:04 08:14:06 Exposure Time: 1/639 F-Number: 8.00 ISO: 200 Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Black-chinned Sparrow, Spizella atrogularis, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Black-chinned Sparrow, Spizella atrogularis, photographed in Boyce Thompson Arboretum Demo Garden, Superior, Arizona. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Richard Ditch, 2006 [larger view]. Date Time Original: 2006:02:25 08:54:01 Exposure Time: 1/60 F-Number: 11.00 ISO: 200 Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Rick Wright, Managing Director of WINGS Birding Tours Worldwide, writes: It's good in a new year to start over again at the beginning…
tags: Orange-crowned Warbler, Vermivora celata, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Orange-crowned Warbler, Vermivora celata, photographed in Allen Williams Yard, Pharr, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 2 April 2008 [larger view]. Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/60s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Rick Wright, Managing Director of WINGS Birding Tours Worldwide, writes: It's a yellow warbler -- but it's not a Yellow Warbler. Note that this is a…
tags: Clay-colored Sparrow, Spizella+pallida, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Clay-colored Sparrow, Spizella pallida, photographed in Marymoor Park, Redmond, King County, Washington State. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Marv Breece, 7 October 2006 [larger view]. Canon EOS 350D 1/400s f/8.0 at 300.0mm iso400. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Rick Wright, Managing Director of WINGS Birding Tours Worldwide, writes: The first step in identifying sparrows is to eliminate as many species as possible -- and the best…
tags: African Jacana, Actophilornis africanus, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] African Jacana, Actophilornis africanus, endemic to marshes and reedbeds across eastern and southern Africa from Ethiopia to South Africa. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image:GrrlScientist, 2 September 2008 [larger view]. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Rick Wright, Managing Director of WINGS Birding Tours Worldwide, writes: The jacanas are a small group of strange rail-like shorebirds of tropical marshes. Though the different species are…
tags: Lapland Longspur, Calcarius lapponicus, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Lapland Longspur, Calcarius lapponicus, photographed at the Montlake Fill, Seattle, King County, Washington State. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Marv Breece, 8 October 2007 [larger view]. Canon EOS 350D 1/1250s f/6.3 at 300.0mm iso800. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter Rainbow Lory, Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus. This subspecies of rainbow lory is also found in Australia, along the east coast. Image: John Del Rio. [larger view]. Birds in Science One of the most contentious issues among scientists who study the evolution of birds is identifying precisely when the modern birds (Neornithes) first appeared. This is due to conflicts between the fossil record and molecular dating methodologies. For example, fossils support a Tertiary radiation whereas molecular dating methodologies…
tags: Dickcissel, Spiza americana, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Dickcissel, Spiza americana, photographed at Eisenhower Park, Houston, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 17 July 2007 [larger view]. Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/1000s f/8.0 at 500.0mm iso400. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Rick Wright, Managing Director of WINGS Birding Tours Worldwide, writes: A well-proportioned and colorful bird, proclaiming his territory from a bare twig. I can almost hear him…