Well, let's just roll up the old sleeves, sit down at the computer, see what's up in the blogosphere. Start with Science Blogs, of course. Ah, yes, there's the link over on the left. Just give it a little click there and....Holy Crap! What's this? Who are all these people? So.....many.....blogs.
It looks like I have enough reading material for a while. So let me just say welcome to all the new members of the family. And a special big hello to Mark Chu-Carroll. Always nice to have another math geek on staff. Posts on category theory? Goodness! Thought I left that behind in graduate…
I've been travelling for the last two weeks, which explains the lack of blogging. I had intended to try to keep up with things while I was out of town, but that has proven more difficultthan I had intended. Sorry about that. Regular blogging will resume on Tuesday.
When I return: Some thoughts on Freeman Dyson's review of Daniel Dennett in the New York Review of Books. Detailed commentary on John Brockman's anti-ID anthology. And a report on my non-embarrassing performance at the U. S. Amateur East Chess Tournament. Stay tuned!
Many thanks to Dave of Cognitive Daily for pointing out to me that my “comments moderation” feature was turned on, meaning that I had to personally approve of each comment before having it appear. Until he pointed it out to me, I didn't realize I had such a feature.
So let me apologize to the people who had to wait for so long to see their comments posted. I have now turned off the moderation feature, so comments should be published as soon as you finish writing them. We'll see how that goes for a while.
This might be a good time to lay down my comments policies. They're not very…
I just got hit by a major wave of comment spam, and it took me while to puzzle out all the tools available in this MT system to purge them. I'm tinkering a little bit with comment settings to try and prevent it from happening again (tip: don't put lots of links in comments, because they will get held up for my approval before posting), and I've clicked a few checkboxes in the settings on. If things get freaky and it doesn't let you comment, send me an email and I'll try to fix it.