Did I Miss Anything?

Well, let's just roll up the old sleeves, sit down at the computer, see what's up in the blogosphere. Start with Science Blogs, of course. Ah, yes, there's the link over on the left. Just give it a little click there and....Holy Crap! What's this? Who are all these people? So.....many.....blogs.

It looks like I have enough reading material for a while. So let me just say welcome to all the new members of the family. And a special big hello to Mark Chu-Carroll. Always nice to have another math geek on staff. Posts on category theory? Goodness! Thought I left that behind in graduate school. One of these days I'll have to figure out how he did those math symbols...

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So, remember back in December, I wrote a post about a Cantor crank who had a Knol page supposedly refuting Cantor's diagonalization? This week, I foolishly let myself get drawn into an extended conversation with him in comments. Since it's a comment thread on an old post that had been inactive…
Now, it's time for the final chapter in my "visits with old friends" series, which brings us back to the Good Math/Bad Math all-time reader favorite crackpot: Mr. George Shollenberger. Last time I mentioned George, a number of readers commented on the fact that it's cruel to pick on poor George,…
While the economy is still performing CPR on itself, you may find yourself without a job. Worse still, if you are like me, you may not be able to find another one. In the meantime, here are 101 ways to improve your life (and take up some extra time) when you can't find a job no matter how hard you…
In the last couple of posts, I showed how we can start looking at group theory from a categorical perspective. The categorical approach gives us a different view of symmetry that we get from the traditional algebraic approach: in category theory, we see symmetry from the viewpoint of groupoids -…
By free music (not verified) on 10 Apr 2008 #permalink
By free music (not verified) on 12 Apr 2008 #permalink