Today in Science

January 25th

1627 - Birth of Robert Boyle, Irish chemist

1736 - Birth of Joseph Louis Lagrange, Italian-born mathematician

1794 - Birth of François-Vincent Raspail, French chemist

1796 - Birth of William MacGillivray, Scottish naturalist and ornithologist

1881 - Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell form the Oriental Telephone Company.

1900 - Birth of Theodosius Dobzhansky, Ukrainian-American geneticist and biologist

1915 - Alexander Graham Bell inaugurates U.S. transcontinental telephone service.

1917 - Birth of Ilya Prigogine, Russian-born physicist and chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate

1925 - Death of Ivan Vucetic, Croatian anthropologist

1949 - Birth of Paul Nurse, British biochemist, Nobel Prize Laureate

1994 - Death of Stephen Cole Kleene, American mathematician

2006 - Three independent observing campaigns announce the discovery of OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb through gravitational microlensing, the first cool rocky/icy extrasolar planet around a main-sequence star.

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