Today in Science

March 16th

1750 - Birth of Caroline Herschel, German-born English astronomer

1789 - Birth of Georg Simon Ohm, German physicist

1794 - Birth of Ami Boué, Austrian geologist

1859 - Birth of Alexander Stepanovich Popov, Russian physicist

1867 - First publication of an article by Joseph Lister outlining the discovery of antiseptic surgery, in The Lancet.

1918 - Birth of Frederick Reines, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate

1925 - Birth of Luis E. Miramontes, Mexican chemist, co-inventor of the combined oral contraceptive pill

1926 - Robert Goddard launches the first liquid-fueled rocket

1935 - Death of John James Richard Macleod, Scottish-born physician and physiologist, Nobel Prize laureate

1937 - Birth of Amos Tversky, Israeli psychologist

1943 - Birth of Ursula Goodenough, Cell Biologist

1966 - Launch of Gemini 8, the 12th manned American space flight and first space docking with the Agena Target Vehicle.

1992 - Death of Yves Rocard, French physicist

1998 - Death of Derek Harold Richard Barton, British chemist, Nobel Prize laureate

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