The Sb 2.0 meme ... Pi Oh My

Janet started it. My answers below the fold.

3 reasons you blog about science:

Point at which you would stop blogging:

1 thing you frequently blog besides science:

4 words that describe your blogging style:

1 aspect of blogging you find difficult:

5 ScienceBlogs blogs that are new to you:

Most of the Version 2.0 blogs, so here are the first five in alphabetical order.

9 blogs you read outside the ScienceBlogs universe:

Many of my regular reads have moved to Sb. Some of these aren't technically blogs, but you get the idea ... I'm too lazy to add links, but they are all well known.

2 important features of your blogging environment:

6 items you would bring to a meet-up with the other ScienceBloggers:

5 conversations you would have before the end of that meet-up:

Damn, that was harder than I thought.

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