Janet has tagged us with an irrational meme. Below the fold are 3.14159265 things about me.
3 reasons you blog about science:
- To practice writing.
- To organize my thoughts and force myself to follow the current literature.
- There are worse ways for me to waste my time.
Point at which you would stop blogging:
- When it becomes detrimental to my academic career.
1 thing you frequently blog besides science:
4 words that describe your blogging style:
- Ill-informed.
- Obnoxious.
- Immature.
- Distracted.
1 aspect of blogging you find difficult:
- Reading the articles and entries I link to.
5 ScienceBlogs blogs that are new to you:
- Chaotic Utopia
- Dr. Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge
- Dynamics of Cats
- Effect Measure
- The Island of Doubt
(That's just the first five alphabetically. There are many more that are also new to me.)
9 blogs you read outside the ScienceBlogs universe:
- hpb, etc.
- John Hawks
- The Lancelet
- The Panda's Thumb
- Bad Astronomy
- BioCurious
- FrinkTank
- Tenderbutton
- Red State Rabble
2 important features of your blogging environment:
- Computer.
- Internet connection.
6 items you would bring to a meet-up with the other ScienceBloggers:
- My laptop.
- My ideas.
- My
Sharonaopinion. - My ego.
- My camera.
- Beer money.
5 conversations you would have before the end of that meet-up:
- With PZ Myers about evo-devo.
- With Razib about population genetics.
- With Dave and Ben about writing.
- With John Wilkins about speciation.
- With everyone defending science in public schools.
- Log in to post comments
More like this
So, I see Janet started a "get to know you" post (with a "pi" theme). I'm busy today and was swamped all weekend (and as such, don't have any more lengthy science posts finished), so...answers below the fold.
3 reasons you blog about science:
1. Because I'm a really big nerd, and all things…
If Janet says something, we better listen! So, a little introduction is in place:
3 reasons you blog about science:
At the time when the Age of Reason is under assault, every effort must be made to make science accessible and understandable to as many people as possible. I'd like to think of…
Jane over at Ethics and Science tags the New Kids on the block with a Neighbourhood Pi mem
We obey, and please mam, may we have some more?
3 reasons you blog about science:
I know some.
I like it.
I think it is important.
Point at which you would stop blogging:
Real life catches up with me.
Janet over at Adventures in Ethics and Science has tagged all of us newbies with a Pi meme. As the new math-geek-in-residence here, I'm obligated to take on anything dealing with Pi.
3 reasons you blog about science
Because I genuinely enjoy teaching, and the one thing that I regret