Monday Night Mystery

[note: this and all preceding entries are reposted from; guesses for this Monday Night Mystery are also lodged here.]

What in the world is this strange creature?

The point breakdown* will be as follows:

2 points for order
2 points for family
2 points for genus
2 points for species
2 points for describing the behavior

As in past weeks, you have to be first in each category.

*What are Myrmecos points good for? The cumulative winner at the end of the month gets to choose either 1)any 8x10 print from, or 2) a guest blog post on a topic of their choosing.

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Ok. Now you guys have asked for it. Apparently the mysteries haven't been quite obscure enough. So here you go. A real challenge: One point for order, three points for family, three points for genus, and three for species. Points are awarded for the first correct guess in each category. The…
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[the following is a guest post from Rob Mitchell] Hi folks - Rob Mitchell here, guest blogger extraordinaire and your temporary replacement for Alex while he celebrates a recent age-related milestone. My job tonight is to provide you entomology sleuths with a mystery, so take a look here at…

Welcome Alex, good to see you back.

Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Genus: Cephalotes
Species: rohweri

The colony nests in holes left by wood-boring beetles and soldier ants block the nest entrance with their heads (as here).

Would love to say that I had expert knowledge but google is my friend.

Source ....

Was that cheating?

And then of course I wander over to look at your old blog....

Now, see, I feel better having read that bit of information from dominich. I was looking at that hole last night thinking it was a pretty nice D-shaped Buprestid-ey hole...but clearly a Buprestid was not lying within. I wanted the answer to this mystery to be "a beetle". I'm happy to know it is. A little bit. Sort of.

Hey, you should submit this photo to the Linnaean Games for the ESA national meeting.

By Entomologista (not verified) on 13 Apr 2010 #permalink

That's an awesome idea. The Linnaean games are great- our local team here at UI cleaned up last year in Indianapolis.

Cychrus caraboides

Moist woodlands, feeds primarily on snails.

By rijkswaanvijand (not verified) on 16 Apr 2010 #permalink