All the way from Denmark: The 75th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle

It's hard to believe that two weeks have flown by once again. It's even harder to believe that the Skeptics' Circle has been around long enough to reach its 75th edition, which this time around comes straight out of Denmark, courtesy of longtime Respectful Insolence commenter and now blogger Kristjan Wager at Pro-Science. Kristjan's a just-the-facts kind of guy and he delivers a just-the-facts kind of Circle, chock full of skeptical bloggy goodness.

Next up to host on December 20, just in time for Christmas (and what better Christmas gift than the gift of skepticism?) is fellow ScienceBlogger Aardvarchaeology. Be sure to provide him with a bounty of Christmas cheer and skepticism!

As always, if you're interested in hosting one of these puppies yourself, check out the schedule and the guidelines for hosting. Then drop me a line at I'll get you worked into the schedule, assuming, of course, that a perusal of the content of your blog doesn't lead me to suspect that you're a double agent from the Discovery Institute or NewsTarget bent on destroying the Circle.

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