The 68th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: London made me forget

From deep in the heart of London, even here on vacation, I couldn't forget to mention that the 68th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle has been posted by Martin over at Aardvarchaeology. This carnival is remarkable for two things: First for Martin's no nonsense style of presentation; and second, because, thanks to my vacation, I totally forgot to submit anything to the Circle, making it perhaps the first Circle in two years that is totally Orac-free. Fortunately, I'm redundant, and the Circle is great without any contributions by me. Unfortunately, I'm redundant, and the Circle is great without any contributions by me.

Oh, well.

In any case, next up is Unscrewing the Inscrutable on September 13. Start getting your best skeptical posts ready! And, as always, if you're interested in hosting one of these puppies yourself, check out the schedule and the guidelines for hosting. Then drop me a line. I'll get you worked into the schedule, assuming, of course, that you're not a plant from Deepak Chopra.

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