Don't forget, everybody, that the 68th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is due to land at Aardvarchaeology on Thursday, August 30 (sadly, my last full day in London). Martin will host again. He did a fine (albeit slightly confusing) job last time, and I expect even better this time around.
If you don't know what blog carnivals or The Skeptics' Circle is about, here's an introduction. If you're a blogger with a skeptical (not a pseudoskeptical) bent, please submit some of your work and show it off to like-minded readers. So get your entries submitted to Martin by August 29, and join us next Thursday. Vacation or no vacation, I'll post a link whenever Martin sends it to me.
As always, I'm still looking for hosts. I'd like to fill the remaining slots in 2007 soon if I can, and you can help. If you're an aspiring Randi or Michael Shermer (or even Richard Dawkins) and would like a chance to strut your skeptical stuff, check out the schedule to see if there's a date you can do it and the guidelines for hosts. Then drop me a line, and, assuming you're not a mole for Deepak Chopra or Dr. Michael Egnor, I'll work you into the schedule.
You won't regret it.