Fast approaching: The Skeptics' Circle

After all this hot air contributing to global warming over, well, global warming, I can't forget that the blog carnival bequeathed to me, The Skeptics' Circle, is fast approaching. This week, the host will be none other than neurologist and skeptic Dr. Steve Novella, who also happens to be the host of The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe podcast and President of the New England Skeptical Society. Don't forget to send him your best skeptical blogging by Wednesday, July 18 at whatever time he sets as the deadline. (Hint, hint, Steve: I don't see a call for submissions with a deadline yet.)

And, as always, if you're a skeptical blogger aspiring to be the next James Randi and think you have what it takes to do this blog carnival proud, peruse the schedule and guidelines for submissions and hosts, and then drop me a line.

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