Fast approaching: The Skeptics' Circle

Time passes. What once was new is old, and what once seemed far in the future is now just around the corner.

In other words, the Skeptics' Circle is rapidly approaching again; it's a mere four days away!

This time around, the 61st Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is scheduled to be hosted by Rebecca at Memoirs of a Skepchick on Thursday, May 24. No more procrastinating! Time flies too fast for that, and, if you're not careful, you'll wake Thursday morning to realize that you missed the Wednesday deadline and didn't get your best skeptical blogging submitted to Rebecca for inclusion in this edition of the longest-running skeptical blog carnival there is. You owe it to yourself to get your entries to Rebecca by Wednesday. Then, join her for what should be a rollicking good time, hopefully as enjoyable as an episode of The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe (to which, alas, I've fallen about two episodes behind in my listening).

Of course, as always, if you think you have what it takes to host, peruse the documents at Skeptics' Circle HQ and then drop me a line.

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Dear Reader, welcome to the 76th instalment of the Skeptics' Circle, your bi-weekly portal to the best skeptical blog writing on this or any other world-wide web. Greta Christina discusses muddled debates where the issue whether certain religious beliefs are factually true gets mixed up with the…

Do you want to know if

Do you want to know if
God is a delusion,
go to

Do you want to know if
the deluded have any sense,
go to

Do you want to know if
the deluded make any sense,
go to

Do you want to know if
there are other worlds,
go to

Do you want to know if
there are brights in the world,
go to

But if you want to enjoy
the idiocy of the idiots
or want to be an ignorant -

perhaps an idiot -
(like the gurus themselves there)
go to the

Note: Inspired by a comment of Skeptisch.

by white wings…

These deluded fools fool others

The pundits of spirituality,
the new age gurus,
the gurus of quantum health and wealth
are nothing more than charlatans.
These deluded fools fool others
with their spiritual irrationality.

These people with wee-wee ancient
brains are curse to the humanity -
they spread ignorance,
they talk this and that of God
out of their empty heads,
weaving words of heaven and hell,
souls and life after death,
and moral life on earth.

Their authority comes from
readings of ancient texts
written when man lived on a flat
earth, the center of the universe,
with a dome that supported the heaven,
and the hell was far beneath the earth.

These pundits should have been
born and dead centuries ago.
What are they now doing amongst us?
Spreading nonsense and ignorance to the

by white wings…

A new age guru of fluff

he looks at the spoon,
and like Ali Baba and 40 thieves,
(the famous sim sim door thugs)
he tells the spoon:
'mind is over the matter,
that my Ali Baba tells me.
now listen, you puny spoon,
bend, bend, bend, as I order you.'
and lo, the spoons bends!

he sits down in deep meditation.
he is in his kurta and lungi
among many other fools like him.
he sits cross legged.
his hands rest on his knees.
eyes closed, back straight
he meditates flying.
after a while he opens his eyes,
and lo, he had already levitated in air
and had flied 7 feet!

the quantum guru claims this.
his dimwit followers buy this.
they buy his books, they praise him.
he fools them. his heart smiles.
and he says to himself this:
'these stupid westerners,
why not fleece them if
they believe in my bullshit.'

Note: Inspired by writings of
Skeptisch who's now presumably
banned from posting any thing at
the consciousness raising spiritual
site of a new age guru of fluff.

~white wings…

A new age guru of fluff

he looks at the spoon,
and like Ali Baba and 40 thieves,
(the famous sim sim door thugs)
he tells the spoon:
'mind is over the matter,
that my Ali Baba tells me.
now listen, you puny spoon,
bend, bend, bend, as I order you.'
and lo, the spoons bends!

he sits down in deep meditation.
he is in his kurta and lungi
among many other fools like him.
he sits cross legged.
his hands rest on his knees.
eyes closed, back straight
he meditates flying.
after a while he opens his eyes,
and lo, he had already levitated in air
and had flied 7 feet!

the quantum guru claims this.
his dimwit followers buy this.
they buy his books, they praise him.
he fools them. his heart smiles.
and he says to himself this:
'these stuipd westerners,
why not fleece them if
they believe in my bullshit.'

Note: Inspired by writings of
Skeptisch who's now presumably
banned from posting any thing at
the consciousness raising spiritual
site of a new age guru of fluff.

by white wings…

Stop spamming the comments to this post.

I am now closing comments to prevent you from continuing to abuse my blog. Goodbye.