My New Weekly Slate Science Column Launching in May


I'm pleased to announce that, starting in May 2009, I'll be writing a weekly science and health column for Slate's new Double X Magazine. I'll be covering any and all science that might be of interest to women (note: I won't just be covering science about specific female issues -- though I'll definitely cover those).  Here, from Double X's website, is a description of the new magazine:

Double X is a new Web magazine, founded by women but not just for women, that Slate will launch in spring 2009. The site will spin off from  Slate 's XX Factor blog,
where we've started a conversation among women--about politics, sex,
and culture--that both men and women listen in on. The new site will
take the Slate and XX Factor sensibility and apply it
to sexual politics, fashion, parenting, health, science, sex,
friendship, work-life balance, and anything else you might talk about
with your friends over coffee. We'll tackle subjects high and low with
an approach that's unabashedly intellectual but not dry or
condescending. The blog will be at the heart of the site, but we'll
also publish essays, reporting, and other features.

Please submit leads about any interesting new scientific studies or issues for me to consider covering via this address.

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Skl00t!!! That is absolutely amazing!! I can't wait to read it. Hot logo too, I am a total typophile. Keep us posted!

I get great enjoyment and utility out of subscribing to Science Daily's RSS feed. You might get some inspiration there too.

Congrats. I look forward to reading your column.

By Jill U Adams (not verified) on 29 Apr 2009 #permalink