New kid on the block

Hello, ScienceBlogs readers!

I am so thrilled to be joining this little corner of cyberspace. Allow me to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about why I'm here.

I'm Jane. I'm a computer scientist, an assistant professor, and a new mom. Trying to juggle those three identities is, shall we say, challenging at times, but never dull.

I started blogging in late December of 2004. (Geez, has it been that long?!) When I started my original blog (over at See Jane Compute), there weren't that many women science bloggers out there. So my blog started as a way to add a new voice to the voices of women academic bloggers, one that spoke to the isolation and feelings of incompetence and being "other" that women in STEM often feel. Now, of course, there are many more women scientists out in the blogosphere, many of whom are represented here on these pages. It has been so neat to see such a community spring up where none existed before, and in a relatively short time, too.

I sometimes blog specifically about technology, and about computer science as a field. Most of the time, though, I blog about the intersection of the personal and professional. You'll find me talking a lot about my job---teaching, research, service, my relationships with my colleagues---and about my "other job", parenting, that seems to be sucking up a lot of my time lately. :) But you'll also find me blogging about the culture of computer science---the ways in which it's exclusionary and harmful, the ways in which it could be changed. And I seem to blog a lot about work-life balance, so you'll probably be seeing a fair bit of that as well.

Over the next week or so, I'll be providing links to some of my older posts, so you can get a sense of who I am and what I'm about. And of course, I'll be posting brand spanking new content as well. But to get started, here are a few links from the old blog to some of my favorite posts:

Succeeding in a "man's world"

Women in CS: the dance remix version

Thoughts on returning to work

Computer science and creativity

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to sharing this space with you!


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Jane, let me be the first to officially welcome you! Yay! I'm so glad you're here, especially because of course I'm a big fan. :-)

Welcome Jane! Yay, more faculty blogging!

Jokerine, et al, settle down. it always seems to take a few days for the feed to get working after assimilation...

Thanks, everyone!

Alice, I'm flattered that you're a fan. The t-shirts for the Jane Fan Club will be out any day now. :)

ScienceMama, Baby Jane is ~10 months old (very close in age to your Bean!).

Hi Jane,
The Scienceblogs RSS doesn't offer a feed, I can't get you in my Netvibes page. Maybe you have to enable something?

By HappyForYou (not verified) on 06 Mar 2008 #permalink

Please please add RSS! Thanks!

Yay Jane! I'm happy to see you here. Yours was one of the first blogs I discovered, and I've been a fan ever since.

Why does ScienceBlogs have such a problem with RSS feeds for new blogs? A lot of readers must be lost who see a new blog and then never come back because there's no RSS feed.

By Ben Wraith (not verified) on 06 Mar 2008 #permalink

I'm not sure what's up with the RSS feed, but I'm pretty sure I have no control over it. And I'm pretty sure it will be fixed soon. So just hang tight, everyone, and thanks for your patience! (Until it gets fixed, I'll post links on the old blog to this blog, so you should still be able to see that new content is up.)

Always good to see more women blogging here, but even better to see more computer types. Scienceblogs is definitely over-populated with squishy life-sciencey people :-)

Indeed, the RSS feed seems to be working now. Huzzah!

thanks for the welcomes, everyone, and glad to see some of you following me over here from the old place! :)