CHAOS: Complex Habitats around Our Suburbs

It's been far too nice of a Memorial Day to come inside and blog. I can share this photo, at least. I took it while on a bike ride along Standley Lake, pausing to see the changes at my <bioblitz site there. The area where I caught a poacher stealing goose eggs was rather overgrown, so I couldn't spot the nest. I looked for the pair of geese, and found they'd made some friends:


A flock of Candaian Geese (Branta canadensis) at Standley Lake

All photos by the author, unless otherwise noted.

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Hi Karmen ~
I love your photos, the one of you in that lovely hat, and especially, I LOVED your letter to FlyLady I just read from my FlyLadyReminders.
Thank you so much for sharing that with her and with us. I am fascinated by what you are studying and ... oh, the Butterfly Fractal is AMAZING! Very beautiful ... did you do that?

I also am refreshed by your photo of the Canada Geese and all that GREEN!!! You see, I'm originally from Canada, another very 'green' country, but now I live in Australia. I know, that's not a bad thing ~ but it's so dry here as we are in a year+ long drought, and not seeing green for so long gets to one after a while. It gets to me! Lately, we have been getting a little sprinkle every week, so it's not as bad, but oh, what I'd give to have all the water that North America has underground coursing under Australia's dry red soil!

I hope you are well and I do want to let you know that you are appreciated by a complete stranger - lol! Your art is delightful, your eloquence in explaining scientific theory energising and contagious, and your words/pics very inspiring.

Many blessings along the way..
I am bookmarking your blog and will check on it often.
I miss talking about nature and plants and the planet. My training is as a Plant Scientist, but this drought sure puts a dent on that kind of career, so I've gone the creative route, becoming a professional scrapbooker instead!

thanks again for the beauty
Stella Raye

Stella, thanks for writing! I should mention, Colorado isn't usually this green. We had quite a bit of snow last winter, and this spring has been particularly lush. Trust me, I usually know how it feels to be in a drought.

The butterfly-like fractal was my creation, based on mathematical formulas that other people wrote. I'll explain a bit about fractals tomorrow, as there seems to be a bit of interest. (You weren't the only one to find me from the FlyLady site!)

Thanks, also, for the comment about my hat picture... I may replace it this year, with a photo where I'm not hiding under the hat! Thanks again for visiting, and I hope you'll return... there will be many more nature pictures, I assure you!