Yay! Fabulous Friday. The third Billy Bragg podcast is online now Includes the tale of the Famous Curry Incident. Hm... I wonder if that'd work on Nature Editors?
Keith Cowing ofNASAwatch now has a potentially interesting and useful Astrobiology.net site.
It is friday, and we will be topical today. So, Oh Mighty iPod, Oh Omniescent One... Are there planets orbiting main sequence stars, within 100 parsecs of the Sun, which have abundant carbon based life producing biosignatures we can detect and recognise within the medium term, if we get the requisite technology built? Whoosh, goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: Rat Race - Specials The Crossing: The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Rogé The Crown: Sing Your Way Home - Twin Sister The Root: Litli Tónlistarmaðurinn - Björk The Past: Boys Own - Alison Moyet The Future: North Sea Bubble - Billy…
Spotted on Pharyngula, forwarded in case any astro/physics types are out there who don't scan PZ What to say while having sex with atheists FreeThunk illustrates the point though I think in practise most atheists fall back on the cultural ambiance and go with colloquial blaspheming... "Big Bang" might work though, especially if it follows a prolonged contemplation of the Steady State.
As the sun blazes in the sky, and the heat climbs, people strip to the bare minimum and head for the pools and beaches. This morning a number of companies announced they would close for part of the afternoon to give employees a chance to cool off, you have to figure no one is going to be out doing business in this heat anyway... Yes, the noon temperature in Reykjaík, Iceland, skyrocketed to a balmy 17.3 C (that's 63 F for the uninformed) and the Sun was shining. No time to waste, tomorrow it is back to normal (12 C == 54 F and drizzle) Original mbl.is story Perfect place to visit, should…
Our Master's Voice Speaks: If you could have practiced science in any time and any place throughout history, which would it be, and why?... Now. Of course. Because we know more, we have a greater and more vibrant community than ever, we have more resources, tools and technology than ever. I admit that it is tempting to contemplate life in Göttingen in the '20s, or in London in the late 17th century, or Athens with Socrates, but really? No. Though I have to say, I expect it will be even better and more fun tomorrow. Repeat as needed.
There sure are a lot of angry bloggers out there... Angry Physics is an old favourite but I didn't know there was also an Angry Astronomer who is not the same as Angry Stanek, who is an astronomer but they may one day become like the legendary Angry Professors but who is not Professor Angry There is an Angry Economist Angry Canadian Angry Atheist Angry Clam Angry Patriot (defunct?) and the generic Angry Bloggers there is Angry Arab - if you visceral sense of one side of the terrors of the Middle East, he is your blogger. The photos should make you cry. The Angry Mathematician doesn't seem to…
The title of my Phd Thesis was: Dynamics of Neutron Stars and Binaries in Globular Clusters or, Ménages à trois: revitalizing burnt out degenerates through partner swapping This was not the best PhD thesis title ever, by a long shot. The sub-title was actually an "in-joke", it was the working title of our Nature paper (Nature editors reserve the right to retitle papers for their audience, so a working title was good to have). When I submitted, the sub-title was printed on the inside cover, and the Caltech Graduate Office, in a payback for many hours of Graduate Student Council liasion work…
I have learned many useful things recently: It is harder to organize a birthday party for a dozen munchkins, then it is to organise a four day festival for several thousand people (the previous limit of my organizational reach) Both "Average Angry Professor" and "Angry Average Professor" would be Great Blog Pseudonyms Blog pseudonyms are not reliable for anonymity (but we knew that from Ye Olde Days on the Net) If you want people to read and comment on blogs in large numbers you should say something outrageous about string theory, or cosmology, or religion, or politics, or war, or medicine,…
I am going to go on a minor iTunes spending spree. What music should I get? Caveat: this is input for the output range of the Mighty iPod Oracle, so be careful what you recommend. My tastes are not as limited as the current iTunes list might indicate - a large fraction of our music collection is on "cassette" and "LP" Gramophone Record... (including, sadly, much of my classic Icelandic rock collection) - I need to get digital copies of these, but have moral resistance to paying for the same music again - what I really need is a handy ADC gadget for Macs (hm, google time? oh, yes.…
Revere on Effect Measure points us to an interesting fact I did not know.... The US charges its own citizens for evacuations from war zones. "...The Department of State reminds American citizens that the U.S. government does not provide no-cost transportation but does have the authority to provide repatriation loans to those in financial need. For the portion of your trip directly handled by the U.S. Government we will ask you to sign a promissory note and we will bill you at a later date. In a subsequent message, when we have specific details about the transporation arrangments, we will…
astroprof has a succinct semi-technical summary on the hardware raining down on north Israel my 2c worth... What Hezbollah did was an act of war, a breach of truce, a violation of agreements; it was not, in this instance (the ambush of an IDF patrol), an act of terrorism. Hezbollah has committed acts of terror, in this case they committed an act of war; they've trapped Israel in a moral reverse. Israel had the right to respond, and they do have the right to insist Lebanon control its sovereign soil and preclude third parties, or Lebanese government factions, from attacking its soil. From the…
Shamelessly cribbing from the CosmicVariance gang, DataMining has a fascinating blogosphere connectivity web image Fascinating stuff, be fun to explore where the Scienceblogs are - hopefully cut above the morass of poliblogs at the bottom right... Am also very curious about the edge nodes, expect to spend some late night time fiddling with this and updating random insights. Note: the data list is old - from June 2005, so a lot of sparse links will be outdated.
ACS first light images after the switch to the spare (side 2) electronics, after the failure of the side 1 power controller. Found a redshift =1.4 supernova (~ 9 billion light years away), as part of Perlmutter's (LBL) high redshift supernova search, which is looking for additional date on the accelerating expansion of the universe and hence further confirmation of and testing of Dark Energy
Just for yonks, I grabbed the WHO confirmed Avian Flu cases list and did a little plot of cumulative cases vs time... The blue curve is cumulative cases; the red curve is cumulative deaths. The date is the approximate date of WHO report, with 28 Jan 2004 as the zero date (11 cases, 8 deaths). The dates are approximate because I just counted months between the slightly uneven spaced report dates and assigned 30 days per month. Since the data is coarse grained this should not matter over this length time span. If you fit it with an exponential, the doubling time is just about one year. If I…
Mark at CosmiVariance passes on a rumour that there is a new Astro Job Rumour Wiki This potentially supercedes the legendary New Astro Rumour Mill which of course used to be here, which in turn superceded the legendary orginal Astro Rumour Mill started by Pat Hall. Mark has some interesting discussion on the utility of the Rumour Mills. His essential point is of course correct, the information is there, and it wants to be free... Having also been on both sides of the rumours, I note that the public info is occasionally gamed, by both sides. Candidates may "leak" their status to the Mill to…
Is every species of living thing on the planet equally deserving of protection?... No. Seriously. No. Some must be protected. Some ought to be protected. It'd be pragmatic, prudent or prescient to protect most. A few I'd just as soon see dead. Very few. Some actually don't matter much either way, except in an abstract aesthetic sense. Worst of all, the definition of "species" is biased towards charismatic species (we fine grain populations that look good, and coarse grain over populations we know little of or care little for); so at some deep level the question is poorly defined. We should…
Hot friday, and I am out of touch. So we ask the Mighty iPod... ...Oh, Mighty iPod - are we getting a short term shortage of those ever so addictive Megaliters of hydrogenated carbon chains we find so useful? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: The Price I Pay - Billy Bragg The Crossing: Russian Dance - Tchaikovsky The Crown: Cadet Rousselle - Sien Diels The Root: When Will I See You Again? - Billy Bragg The Past: God's Footballer - Billy Bragg The Future: Granada - Three Tenors The Questioner: Víur um Ref The House: Du reines Taubchen, nur Herein! - Mozart The Inside: (The…
That most reliable of sources, the friend of a friend of a friend, told us they know someone who works at the corporate HQ of a major petroleum retailer in the US. In short: expect ~ 20% rise in retail prices of gas this weekend. I wonder why, did I miss something? Some unrest somewhere while I wasn't paying attention?
Couple of interesting snippets on NASAwatch SOFIA is back. SIM is slipped, which apparently saves everything. WISE, GLAST, JWST, even HST. Who knew you could do so much by slipping a $100 million item... Uh, oh, if you click through to the New Scientist story, we learn SIM is being "refocused". That can't be good. Yee-Haw!!! - for True Space Cadets Only. Bigelow launched and deployed successfully the "Genesis" 1/3 scale model of their inflatable space habitat. Full scale version is decent sized and planned to accommodate ~ half dozen people. Possible ISS add-ons if I read correctly, and…