iPod iChing - Life, Jim

It is friday, and we will be topical today.

So, Oh Mighty iPod, Oh Omniescent One...
Are there planets orbiting main sequence stars, within 100 parsecs of the Sun, which have abundant carbon based life producing biosignatures we can detect and recognise within the medium term, if we get the requisite technology built?

Whoosh, goes the randomizer.

  • The Covering: Rat Race - Specials
  • The Crossing: The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Rogé
  • The Crown: Sing Your Way Home - Twin Sister
  • The Root: Litli Tónlistarmaðurinn - Björk
  • The Past: Boys Own - Alison Moyet
  • The Future: North Sea Bubble - Billy Bragg
  • The Questioner: Tamino, wollen wir nicht sprachen - Mozart (Magic Flute)
  • The House: When the Music's Over - Doors
  • The Inside: Clubland - Elvis Costello
  • The Outcome: Hitchin' A Ride - Green Day

#11 is Tunnel of Love - Dire Straits; #12 Pearly Dewdrops'Drops - Cocteau Twins.

Hm the Covering and Crossing suggest that there is life out there, but there is struggle, often futile or excessive.
Crown and Root suggest we should look closer to home? There is exolife in the Solar System?
The Past and Future suggest we can expect thing to turn out well, but not as we expect.

The Questioner gets a Golden Flute and Trial By Fire...
House suggest that after we look for exolife we might look to ourselves.
The Outcome is troubled times as we try to kick our addiction and move on?!

For the zodiacally inclined, #11 and #12 suggest we're talking Alien Sex!
I guess sexual reproduction is adaptive, eh?

As always, the Key as explained by Sean

North Sea Bubble
I went out drinking with Thomas Paine
He said that all revolutions are not the same
They are as different as the cultures
That give them birth
For no one idea
Can solve every problem on Earth

So don't expect it all to happen
In some prophesied political fashion
For people are different
And so are nations
You can borrow ideas
But you can't borrow situations

In Leningrad the people say
Perestroika can be explained this way
The people who told us
That two and two is ten
Are now trying to tell us
That two and two is five

We're living in a North Sea Bubble
We're trying to spend our way out of trouble

You keep buying these things but you don't need them
But as long as you're comfortable it feels like freedom

My American friends don't know what to do
But they'll wait a long time for a Beverley Hills coup

War! What is it good for
It's good for business


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