iPod iChing - more of the same?

Friday, and I went blueberry picking.
So, we ask the mighty iPod...

This cloning business, are we going anywhere with that?

Whoosh goes the randomizer.

  • The Covering: Help Save the Youth of America - Billy Bragg
  • The Crossing: Strange Days - Doors
  • The Crown: Allegro: Eine Kleine Nachtmusic - Mozart
  • The Root: Golden Years - Bowie
  • The Past: Shipbuilding - Elvis Costello
  • The Future: Lack of Knowledge - Violent Femmes
  • The Questioner: Stalin Malone - Elvis Costello
  • The House: Impromptu (The Spinning Top) - Roge
  • The Inside: Allegro B - Mozart
  • The Outcome: Isobel - Björk

#11 is Please, Please, Please - Fiona Apple; #12 is The Road's My Middle Name - Bonnie Raitt

That is pretty darned unambiguous. And to the point.
I guess we'll be seeing more of this cloning business. With military drivers as well as aging issues.
And quickly. But we still need to know more... heh.

As always, the Key as explained by Sean
Lack of Knowledge

I'm not doing something I'm supposed to do
I'm doing something I'm not supposed to
I don't know about that
I don't know about that
I don't know nothing bout nothing like that
destroyed my people are
destroyed my people are
destroyed for lack of knowledge
I wonder if I'm happy
wonder if I'm mad
I wonder why the whole wide world is so wonderfully sad
I don't know bout that but I can tell you this
that when I drink a lot of beer y'know I gotta piss... off
people should be pissed off
people should be pissed off
for lack of knowledge
read read read read read read read everything you can read and
learn learn learn learn learn learn learn everything you can learn
cause there is no tomorrow like today
and there is no today like tomorrow
and they will stick you and they will stick you in the end


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