links for 2008-07-23

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Sunday Conversation: The case for Pluto | SciGuy | - Houston Chronicle The controversy just never ends... (tags: science astronomy planets media blogs) Chromoscope How the Milky Way looks at a variety of different wavelengths. (tags: astronomy space science pictures physics galaxies…
Video: Fingerless Robotic Hand Can Pick Anything | Wired Science | "The simple gripper is made of a bag of coffee grounds and a vacuum, though other grains such as couscous and sand also work, says study coauthor Eric Brown of the University of Chicago. To pick something up, the bag of…
As much as I write about the foibles, pseudoscience, and misadventures of cranks and quacks that endanger patients. However, never let it be said that I don't also pay attention to the foibles and misadventures of real doctors that endanger patients. Sometimes that occurs due to incompetence.…
Who wrote this? As someone who spends a substantial portion of his professional time teaching medical students, I can tell you that this kind of attitude-that physicians are gods, not mere mortals, and wield power over other human beings that no one dare question-is inculcated in them from the very…