Links for 2009-12-07


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Blu-ray Review: "Living Fireplace Volume 2" | Popdose "Yes, I've written a review of a Blu-ray disc that features little more than a burning fireplace. I know it's a little weird. Here's something even weirder: Everyone has their favorite television holiday special, right? Mine is the Yule Log…
slacktivist: Credit scoring and unemployment "Say you're unemployed and you decide to work your tail off to land a new job, so you send out 40 résumés a week. Half of the companies might decide to do a credit-check before getting back to you. This sets off alarm-bells at the credit-rating…
Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive « alex.moskalyuk "50 scientifically proven ways constitute 50 chapters of the book, longest of which take 7 pages. The authors take the position that persuasion is a science, not art, hence with the right approach anybody can become the master…
Open Left:: Sotomayor Hearings For The Hearing Impaired "Oh how I long for the dignified workplace I once had at SNL." (tags: race politics US law stupid) Weekend Diversion: A Charity Challenge! : Starts With A Bang If Ethan gets at least 100 people to donate $10 or volunteer 4 hours for…